Cooperative Design: Techniques and Experiences from the Scandinavian Scene S Bødker, K Grønbæk, M Kyng in Participatory design: Principles and practices; Schuler, Douglas; Namioka …, 1993 | 5093* | 1993 |
The Dexter hypertext reference model F Halasz, M Schwartz, K Grønbæk (ed), RH Trigg (ed) Communications of the ACM 37 (2), 30-39, 1994 | 1863 | 1994 |
Design issues for a Dexter-based hypermedia system K Grønbæk, RH Trigg Proceedings of the ACM conference on Hypertext, 191-200, 1993 | 340 | 1993 |
Cooperative prototyping: users and designers in mutual activity S Bødker, K Grønbæk International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 34 (3), 453-478, 1991 | 309 | 1991 |
Design in action: From prototyping by demonstration to cooperative prototyping S Bødker, K Grønbæk Design at work: Cooperative design of computer systems, 197-218, 1991 | 276* | 1991 |
Indoor positioning using GPS revisited MB Kjærgaard, H Blunck, T Godsk, T Toftkjær, DL Christensen, ... Pervasive Computing: 8th International Conference, Pervasive 2010, Helsinki …, 2010 | 205 | 2010 |
CSCW challenges: cooperative design in engineering projects K Grønbæk, M Kyng, P Mogensen Communications of the ACM 36 (6), 67-77, 1993 | 153 | 1993 |
Users and Designers in Mutual Activity: An analysis of cooperative activities in systems design S Bødker, K Grønbæk Cognition and communication at work, 1996 | 145 | 1996 |
Cooperative Experimental System Development: cooperative techniques beyond initial design and analysis K Grønbæk, M Kyng, PH Mogensen | 141* | 1995 |
Designing Dexter-based hypermedia services for the World Wide Web K Grønbæk, NO Bouvin, L Sloth Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on Hypertext, 146-156, 1997 | 134 | 1997 |
Achieving cooperative system design: Shifting from a product to a process focus K Gronbaek, J Grudin, S Bodker, L Bannon Participatory Design: Perspectives of Systems Design, 79–98, 1993 | 131* | 1993 |
Cooperative hypermedia systems: A Dexter-based architecture K Grønbæk, JA Hem, OL Madsen, L Sloth Communications of the ACM 37 (2), 64-74, 1994 | 121 | 1994 |
Toward a Dexter-based model for open hypermedia: Unifying embedded references and link objects K Grønbæk, RH Trigg Proceedings of the the seventh ACM conference on Hypertext, 149-160, 1996 | 114 | 1996 |
"Physical hypermedia" organising collections of mixed physical and digital material K Grønbæk, JF Kristensen, P Ørbæk, MA Eriksen Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 10-19, 2003 | 112 | 2003 |
From Web to workplace: designing open hypermedia systems K Grønbæk, RH Trigg MIT Press, 1999 | 104 | 1999 |
Webvise: browser and proxy support for open hypermedia structuring mechanisms on the World Wide Web K Gronbaek, L Sloth, P Orbaek Computer Networks 31 (11-16), 1331-1345, 1999 | 102 | 1999 |
iGameFloor: a platform for co-located collaborative games K Grønbæk, OS Iversen, KJ Kortbek, KR Nielsen, L Aagaard Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer …, 2007 | 99 | 2007 |
Addressing interoperability in open hypermedia: The design of the open hypermedia protocol S Reich, UK Will, PJ Nürnberg, HC Davis, K Grønbæk, KM Anderson, ... New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 5 (1), 207-248, 1999 | 93 | 1999 |
eBag: a ubiquitous Web infrastructure for nomadic learning C Brodersen, BG Christensen, K Grønbæk, C Dindler, B Sundararajah Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 298-306, 2005 | 86* | 2005 |
HyCon: A framework for context-aware mobile hypermedia NO Bouvin, BG Christensen, K Grønbæk, FA Hansen New review of hypermedia and multimedia 9 (1), 59-88, 2003 | 82 | 2003 |