Yan Huang
Yan Huang
在 cripac.ia.ac.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification
Y Huang, J Xu, Q Wu, Z Zheng, Z Zhang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (3), 1391-1403, 2018
SBSGAN: Suppression of inter-domain background shift for person re-identification
Y Huang, Q Wu, JS Xu, Y Zhong
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
Beyond scalar neuron: Adopting vector-neuron capsules for long-term person re-identification
Y Huang, J Xu, Q Wu, Y Zhong, P Zhang, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (10), 3459 …, 2019
Clothing status awareness for long-term person re-identification
Y Huang, Q Wu, JS Xu, Y Zhong, ZX Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Celebrities-reid: A benchmark for clothes variation in long-term person re-identification
Y Huang, Q Wu, J Xu, Y Zhong
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
Alleviating modality bias training for infrared-visible person re-identification
Y Huang, Q Wu, J Xu, Y Zhong, P Zhang, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24, 1570-1582, 2021
DeepDiff: Learning deep difference features on human body parts for person re-identification
Y Huang, H Sheng, Y Zheng, Z Xiong
Neurocomputing 241, 191-203, 2017
Multi-angular epipolar geometry based light field angular reconstruction network
D Liu, Y Huang, Q Wu, R Ma, P An
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 6, 1507-1522, 2020
Unsupervised domain adaptation with background shift mitigating for person re-identification
Y Huang, Q Wu, J Xu, Y Zhong, Z Zhang
International Journal of Computer Vision 129 (7), 2244-2263, 2021
Impact of seasonal variations on foliage penetration experiment: A WSN-based device-free sensing approach
Y Zhong, Y Yang, X Zhu, Y Huang, E Dutkiewicz, Z Zhou, T Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (9), 5035-5045, 2018
Wi-fi-based location-independent human activity recognition via meta learning
X Ding, T Jiang, Y Zhong, Y Huang, Z Li
Sensors 21 (8), 2654, 2021
Multilocation Human Activity Recognition via MIMO-OFDM-Based Wireless Networks: An IoT-Inspired Device-Free Sensing Approach
Y Zhong, J Wang, S Wu, T Jiang, Y Huang, Q Wu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (20), 15148-15159, 2020
Learning spatial-temporal representations over walking tracklet for long-term person re-identification in the wild
P Zhang, J Xu, Q Wu, Y Huang, X Ben
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 3562-3576, 2020
Top-push constrained modality-adaptive dictionary learning for cross-modality person re-identification
P Zhang, J Xu, Q Wu, Y Huang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (12), 4554 …, 2019
Cost-effective foliage penetration human detection under severe weather conditions based on auto-encoder/decoder neural network
Y Huang, Y Zhong, Q Wu, E Dutkiewicz, T Jiang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 6190-6200, 2018
Empowering the V2X Network by Integrated Sensing and Communications: Background, Design, Advances and Opportunities
Y Zhong, T Bi, J Wang, J Zeng, Y Huang, T Jiang, Q Wu, S Wu
IEEE Network 36 (4), 2022
Generated data with sparse regularized multi-pseudo label for person re-identification
L Huang, Q Yang, J Wu, Y Huang, Q Wu, J Xu
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 27, 391-395, 2020
Multi-Stream Dense View Reconstruction Network for Light Field Image Compression
D Liu, Y Huang, Y Fang, Y Zuo, P An
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022
3D Shape Temporal Aggregation for Video-Based Clothing-Change Person Re-identification
K Han, Y Huang, S Gong, Y Huang, L Wang, T Tan
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2022
Distilled light GaitSet: Towards scalable gait recognition
X Song, Y Huang, C Shan, J Wang, Y Chen
Pattern Recognition Letters 157, 27-34, 2022
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