The measurement of business intelligence. A Lönnqvist, V Pirttimäki Information systems management 23 (1), 2006 | 632 | 2006 |
Investigating the value and efficiency of intellectual capital P Kujansivu, A Lönnqvist Journal of Intellectual Capital 8 (2), 272-287, 2007 | 327 | 2007 |
Tietojohtaminen H Laihonen, M Hannula, N Helander, I Ilvonen, J Jussila, M Kukko, ... Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Tietojohtamisen tutkimuskeskus Novi, 2013 | 285 | 2013 |
Performance measurement systems in the Finnish public sector H Rantanen, HI Kulmala, A Lönnqvist, P Kujansivu International Journal of Public Sector Management 20 (5), 415-433, 2007 | 240 | 2007 |
Knowledge and the city: Concepts, applications and trends of knowledge-based urban development FJ Carrillo, T Yigitcanlar, B García, A Lönnqvist Routledge, 2014 | 237 | 2014 |
Suorituskyvyn mittaaminen-Tunnusluvut asiantuntijaorganisaation johtamisvälineenä A Lönnqvist, P Kujansivu, R Antikainen Edita, 2006 | 234 | 2006 |
Benchmarking knowledge-based urban development performance: Results from the international comparison of Helsinki T Yigitcanlar, A Lönnqvist Cities 31, 357-369, 2013 | 225 | 2013 |
Measurement of intangible success factors: case studies on the design, implementation and use of measures A Lönnqvist Tampere University of Technology, 2004 | 193 | 2004 |
Aineettoman pääoman johtaminen A Lönnqvist, P Kujansivu, J Antola Jto-Palvelut Oy, 2005 | 189 | 2005 |
Liiketoiminnan aineettomat menestystekijät: mittaa, kehitä ja johda P Kujansivu, A Lönnqvist, A Jääskeläinen, V Sillanpää | 136 | 2007 |
Palvelutuotannon mittaaminen johtamisen välineenä A Lönnqvist, A Jääskeläinen, P Kujansivu, J Käpylä, H Laihonen, ... | 117 | 2010 |
Knowledge that matters: Identifying regional knowledge assets of the Tampere region A Lönnqvist, J Käpylä, H Salonius, T Yigitcanlar European Planning Studies 22 (10), 2011-2029, 2014 | 110 | 2014 |
Analysing the impacts of ICT on knowledge work productivity M Palvalin, A Lönnqvist, M Vuolle Journal of Knowledge Management 17 (4), 545-557, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
Measuring the productivity impacts of new ways of working H Laihonen, A Jääskeläinen, A Lönnqvist, J Ruostela Journal of facilities management 10 (2), 102-113, 2012 | 102 | 2012 |
Knowledge work productivity assessment R Antikainen, A Lönnqvist Institute of Industrial Management. Tampere University of Technology. PO Box …, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
National intellectual capital performance: a strategic approach J Käpylä, P Kujansivu, A Lönnqvist Journal of Intellectual Capital 13 (3), 343-362, 2012 | 98 | 2012 |
Using intellectual capital management for facilitating organizational change A Lönnqvist, A Kianto, V Sillanpää Journal of intellectual capital 10 (4), 559-572, 2009 | 89 | 2009 |
‘New ways of working’as a tool for improving the performance of a knowledge-intensive company J Ruostela, A Lönnqvist, M Palvalin, M Vuolle, M Patjas, AL Raij Knowledge management research & practice 13, 382-390, 2015 | 80 | 2015 |
Public service productivity: how to capture outputs? A Jääskeläinen, A Lönnqvist International Journal of Public Sector Management 24 (4), 289-302, 2011 | 76 | 2011 |
Criteria of sound intellectual capital measures A Lönnqvist, P Mettänen Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Performance Measurement …, 2002 | 75 | 2002 |