Cornelia van Scherpenberg
Cornelia van Scherpenberg
Doctoral researcher, Berlin School of Mind and Brain
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Web-based language production experiments: Semantic interference assessment is robust for spoken and typed response modalities
K Stark, C van Scherpenberg, H Obrig, R Abdel Rahman
Behavior Research Methods, 1-27, 2022
Two kinds of pink: development and difference in Germanic colour semantics
S Vejdemo, C Levisen, C van Scherpenberg, Å Næss, M Zimmermann, ...
Language Sciences 49, 19-34, 2015
The relationship between response consistency in picture naming and storage impairment in people with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia.
C van Scherpenberg, N Fieder, S Savage, L Nickels
Neuropsychology 33 (1), 13, 2019
Please pass me the skin coloured crayon! Semantics, socialisation, and folk models of race in contemporary Europe
M Zimmermann, C Levisen, C van Scherpenberg
Language Sciences 49, 35-50, 2015
Semantic interference through multiple distractors in picture naming in people with aphasia
C van Scherpenberg, R Abdel Rahman, F Regenbrecht, H Obrig
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (8), 1612-1633, 2021
A novel multi-word paradigm for investigating semantic context effects in language production
C van Scherpenberg, R Abdel Rahman, H Obrig
PloS one 15 (4), e0230439, 2020
On the Relation of Semantic Context Effects in Picture Naming and Semantic Categorization: Evidence from Aphasia
A Lorenz, AL Döring, C van Scherpenberg, D Pino, RA Rahman, H Obrig
EasyChair, 2021
Open Science in the MPS: Discussing strategies for systematic changes to foster transparent and accessible research
G Govaart, C van Scherpenberg
Sesam öffne dich! Warum wir mehr Transparenz in der Wissenschaft brauchen
S Martin, C van Scherpenberg
Age-related decline of semantic inhibition despite the preservation of semantic memory
C van Scherpenberg, S Martin, G Hartwigsen, H Obrig, C Beese
paEpsy 2019, 2019
Picture-word interference–can the effect be modulated? An eye tracking study
C van Scherpenberg, R Abdel Rahman, H Obrig
61. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), 2019
Investigating semantic context effects on picture naming with a combined eye tracking and picture naming paradigm
C van Scherpenberg, R Abdel Rahman, H Obrig
10th International Workshop on Language Production, 2018
Pink im Deutschen und Dänischen Eine Studie zur Semantik von Farbwortentlehnungen
C van Scherpenberg
Tagungsband der 53. Studentischen Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS) 9, 81, 2013
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