h5 指数是指在过去整整 5 年中所发表文章的 h 指数。h 指在 2019-2023 年间发表的 h 篇文章每篇至少都被引用过 h 次的最大值。隐藏
出版物的 h5 中位数,是指出版物的 h5 指数所涵盖的所有文章获得的引用次数的中位值。隐藏
出版物h5 指数h5 中位数
1.International Journal of Production Research130215
2.International Journal of Production Economics125194
3.Computers & Industrial Engineering117163
4.European Journal of Operational Research117159
5.Annals of Operations Research95134
6.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review95134
7.Computers & Operations Research72114
8.Production Planning & Control72107
9.Manufacturing & Service Operations Management71107
10.Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management68107
11.Production and Operations Management6791
12.Supply Chain Management: An International Journal63104
13.Mathematical Programming6396
14.International Journal of Operations & Production Management6198
15.Operations Research5879
16.The International Journal of Logistics Management5579
17.Transportation Science5278
18.Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management5179
19.International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications5075
20.International Transactions in Operational Research4967