High throughput conformational sampling and fuzzy similarity metrics: a novel approach to similarity searching and focused combinatorial library design and its role in …

D Horvath - Combinatorial Library Design and Evaluation, 2001 - taylorfrancis.com
Combinatorial chemistry, a major drug discovery tool, heavily relies on chemoinformatics (1,
2) and molecular modeling to manage the huge flux of structural information related to …

[HTML][HTML] Advances in the development of shape similarity methods and their application in drug discovery

A Kumar, KYJ Zhang - Frontiers in chemistry, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Molecular similarity is a key concept in drug discovery. It is based on the assumption that
structurally similar molecules frequently have similar properties. Assessment of similarity …

The torsion library: Semiautomated improvement of torsion rules with SMARTScompare

P Penner, W Guba, R Schmidt, A Meyder… - Journal of Chemical …, 2022 - ACS Publications
The Torsion Library is a collection of torsion motifs associated with angle distributions,
derived from crystallographic databases. It is used in strain assessment, conformer …

Similarity searching in files of three-dimensional chemical structures: evaluation of the EVA descriptor and combination of rankings using data fusion

CMR Ginn, DB Turner, P Willett… - Journal of Chemical …, 1997 - ACS Publications
EVA is a new molecular descriptor that provides a concise summary of the fundamental
frequency components of a molecule's infrared range vibrational spectrum in a vector format …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluating the roughness of structure–property relationships using pretrained molecular representations

DE Graff, EO Pyzer-Knapp, KE Jordan… - Digital …, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Quantitative structure–property relationships (QSPRs) aid in understanding molecular
properties as a function of molecular structure. When the correlation between structure and …

Exploration of the relationship between topology and designability of conformations

SP Leelananda, F Towfic, RL Jernigan… - The Journal of chemical …, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
Protein structures are evolutionarily more conserved than sequences, and sequences with
very low sequence identity frequently share the same fold. This leads to the concept of …

What is wrong with quantitative structure–property relations models based on three-dimensional descriptors?

M Hechinger, K Leonhard… - Journal of chemical …, 2012 - ACS Publications
Quantitative structure–property relations (QSPR) employing descriptors derived from the
three-dimensional (3D) molecular structure are frequently applied for property prediction in …

Development of New Molecular Descriptors Based on Flare Software Considering Three-Dimensional Chemical Structures

Y Nakayama, H Kaneko - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Computational science and machine learning have attracted considerable attention for
accelerating drug discovery. Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) is a widely used …

[HTML][HTML] A rotation-translation invariant molecular descriptor of partial charges and its use in ligand-based virtual screening

F Berenger, A Voet, XY Lee, KYJ Zhang - Journal of Cheminformatics, 2014 - Springer
Background Measures of similarity for chemical molecules have been developed since the
dawn of chemoinformatics. Molecular similarity has been measured by a variety of methods …

[HTML][HTML] Sigma profiles in deep learning: towards a universal molecular descriptor

DO Abranches, Y Zhang, EJ Maginn… - Chemical …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
This work showcases the remarkable ability of sigma profiles to function as molecular
descriptors in deep learning. The sigma profiles of 1432 compounds are used to train …