Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

Biogeosciences, 2011 - bg.copernicus.org
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via land-surface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH (4) emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - swepub.kb.se
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via land-surface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

[PDF][PDF] Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - 2011 - bg.copernicus.org
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via land-surface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

[PDF][PDF] Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via landsurface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

[PDF][PDF] Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - researchgate.net
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via landsurface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

[PDF][PDF] Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - Citeseer
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via landsurface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

[PDF][PDF] Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - academia.edu
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via landsurface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH (4) emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - diva-portal.org
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via landsurface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

[PDF][PDF] Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - dora.lib4ri.ch
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via landsurface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability.

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek, X Wang - Biogeosciences, 2011 - search.ebscohost.com
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via land-surface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …