Quantifying the impact of emission outbursts and non-stationary flow on eddy-covariance CH4 flux measurements using wavelet techniques

M Göckede, F Kittler, C Schaller - Biogeosciences, 2019 - bg.copernicus.org
Methane flux measurements by the eddy-covariance technique are subject to large
uncertainties, particularly linked to the partly highly intermittent nature of methane emissions …

Gap‐filling approaches for eddy covariance methane fluxes: A comparison of three machine learning algorithms and a traditional method with principal component …

Y Kim, MS Johnson, SH Knox, TA Black… - Global Change …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Methane flux (FCH4) measurements using the eddy covariance technique have increased
over the past decade. FCH4 measurements commonly include data gaps, as is the case with …

Eddy covariance flux measurements confirm extreme CH4 emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir and resolve their short-term variability

W Eugster, T DelSontro, S Sobek - Biogeosciences, 2011 - bg.copernicus.org
Greenhouse gas budgets quantified via land-surface eddy covariance (EC) flux sites differ
significantly from those obtained via inverse modeling. A possible reason for the …

Modification of a Wavelet-Based Method for Detecting Ebullitive Methane Fluxes in Eddy-Covariance Observations: Application at Two Rice Fields

WP Richardson, ML Reba, BRK Runkle - Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2022 - Springer
Ebullition, the release of gas bubbles, is an important pathway of methane emission in many
ecosystems, yet its high spatio–temporal variability makes it challenging to quantify. In this …

Advances in the Eddy Covariance Approach to CH4 Monitoring Over Two and a Half Decades

TH Morin - Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Receding permafrost may expose the largest store of sequestered carbon to microbes ready
to convert it to greenhouse gases. The fluxes of biogenic gases associated with boreal …

Evaluation of density corrections to methane fluxes measured by open-path eddy covariance over contrasting landscapes

SD Chamberlain, J Verfaillie, E Eichelmann… - Boundary-Layer …, 2017 - Springer
Corrections accounting for air density fluctuations due to heat and water vapour fluxes must
be applied to the measurement of eddy-covariance fluxes when using open-path sensors …

Field intercomparison of four methane gas analyzers suitable for eddy covariance flux measurements

O Peltola, I Mammarella, S Haapanala, G Burba… - …, 2013 - bg.copernicus.org
Performances of four methane gas analyzers suitable for eddy covariance measurements
are assessed. The assessment and comparison was performed by analyzing eddy …

Error characterization of methane fluxes and budgets derived from a long-term comparison of open-and closed-path eddy covariance systems

MJ Deventer, TJ Griffis, DT Roman, RK Kolka… - Agricultural and Forest …, 2019 - Elsevier
Wetlands represent the dominant natural source of methane (CH 4) to the atmosphere.
Thus, substantial effort has been spent examining the CH 4 budgets of global wetlands via …

Evaluation of a plot-scale methane emission model using eddy covariance observations and footprint modelling

A Budishchev, Y Mi, J Van Huissteden… - …, 2014 - bg.copernicus.org
Most plot-scale methane emission models–of which many have been developed in the
recent past–are validated using data collected with the closed-chamber technique. This …

Characterisation of short-term extreme methane fluxes related to non-turbulent mixing above an Arctic permafrost ecosystem

C Schaller, F Kittler, T Foken… - … Chemistry and Physics, 2019 - acp.copernicus.org
Methane (CH 4) emissions from biogenic sources, such as Arctic permafrost wetlands, are
associated with large uncertainties because of the high variability of fluxes in both space …