Isn't Realist Fiction Enough?

JY Burnett - Mosaic: An interdisciplinary critical journal, 2019 - JSTOR
Using a question posed by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie as a launching point, this essay
asks whether speculative fiction has value to African and African diasporic Literature, and …

" Isn't Realist Fiction Enough?": On African Speculative Fiction.

JY Burnett - Mosaic: An interdisciplinary critical journal, 2019 -
This dismissal of speculative fiction's relevance to Africa should trouble anyone interested in
African literatures and cultures. Indeed, far from being irrelevant or even a secondary …

" Isn't Realist Fiction Enough?": On African Speculative Fiction

JY Burnett - Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal, 2019 -
Using a question posed by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie as a launching point, this essay
asks whether speculative fiction has value to African and African diasporic literature, and …

" Isn't Realist Fiction Enough?": On African Speculative Fiction

JY Burnett - Mosaic: a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of …, 2019 -
Spivak herself describes" the remotely orchestrated, far-flung, and heterogeneous project to
constitute the colonial subject as Other"(24-25), resulting in" the asymmetrical obliteration of …