Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events

GDO Lowe, A Rumley - Thrombosis and haemostasis, 1999 -
There is increasing clinical and laboratory interest in the measurement of both plasma
fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer to predict arterial thrombotic events, such as cardiovascular …

[引用][C] Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events

GD Lowe, A Rumley - Thrombosis and haemostasis, 1999 -

Use Of Fibrinogen and Fibrin D-Dimer in Prediction of Arterial Thrombotic Events

A Rumley, GDO Lowe - Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1999 -
抄録< jats: title> Introduction</jats: title>< jats: p> There is increasing clinical and laboratory
interest in the measurement of both plasma fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer to predict arterial …

[引用][C] Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events

GDO LOWE, A RUMLEY - Thrombosis and haemostasis, 1999 -
Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events CNRS Inist
Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced …

[引用][C] Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events.

GD Lowe, A Rumley - Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1999 -
Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events. - Abstract -
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[引用][C] Use of fibrinogen and fibrin D-dimer in prediction of arterial thrombotic events

L GDO - Thromb Haemost, 1999 -