[HTML][HTML] Brazilian instrument for investigating adverse events in health: validation study

LRG Mello, BP Christovam, F Rebustini… - Acta Paulista de …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
Results: In total, 46 experts participated in the content validation stage, predominantly
training nurses (84.8%), and nurses who graduated 11 years ago (60.7%) or more. The …

[HTML][HTML] Tools for the investigation of adverse events: scoping review

LRG Mello, BP Christovam, APA Moreira… - Revista da Escola de …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To map, in the literature, the risk management tools aimed at investigating health
adverse events. Method: Scoping review according to the Joanna Brigss Institute, with …

[HTML][HTML] Ferramentas para investigação de eventos adversos: revisão de escopo

LRG Mello, BP Christovam, APA Moreira… - Revista da Escola de …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To map, in the literature, the risk management tools aimed at investigating health
adverse events. Method: Scoping review according to the Joanna Brigss Institute, with …

[HTML][HTML] Confusions and ambiguities in the classification of adverse events in the clinical research

G Marodin, JR Goldim - Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 2009 - SciELO Brasil
É comum considerar ambíguo como sinônimo de confuso. Em uma informação confusa,
várias informações têm um mesmo significado. Na informação ambígua, ao contrário, vários …

[HTML][HTML] Patient safety centers: profile of human resources in the Brazilian scenario

LRG Mello, BP Christovam, MC Araujo… - Acta Paulista de …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Results: The predominance of nurses (89.5%) responsible for investigating adverse events
in the participating institutions is highlighted. The nurses had an average age of 39.5 years …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of adverse event reporting at accredited hospitals

TPM Ferezin, D Ramos, G Caldana, CS Gabriel… - Cogitare …, 2017 - academia.edu
The objective was to analyze the reporting of adverse events at accredited hospitals in the
interior of the state of São Paulo from the nursing team's perspective. Descriptive and cross …

[HTML][HTML] The reasons of the nursing staff to notify adverse events

MCMS Paiva, RC Popim, MM Melleiro… - … Latino-Americana de …, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
OBJECTIVE: this research aimed to understand the motivation for reporting adverse events
from the perspective of nursing staff in the work environment. METHOD: qualitative study that …

Reliability and accuracy of the screening for adverse events in Brazilian hospitals

ALB Pavão, LAB Camacho, M Martins… - … Journal for Quality in …, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Objective To analyze the reliability and accuracy of the screening for adverse events (AEs)
conducted by nurses taking the assessment by medical residents as the reference. Design A …

[HTML][HTML] Adverse events: analysis of a notification instrument used in nursing management

MCMS Paiva, SAR Paiva, HW Berti - Revista da Escola de …, 2010 - SciELO Brasil
The nursing management board of a tertiary university hospital located in Central-South São
Paulo state implemented an Adverse Events Notification Instrument in January 2004 aiming …

[HTML][HTML] Accuracy and completeness of records of adverse events through interface terminology

M González-Samartino, P Delgado-Hito… - Revista da Escola de …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To determine what adverse events, including pressure ulcers, infection of the
surgical site and aspiration pneumonia, nurses record in clinical histories, in terms of …