[PDF][PDF] The long-run and intergenerational impact of poor infant health: Evidence from cohorts born during the civil rights era

D Almond, KY Chay - University of California-Berkeley …, 2006 - users.ssc.wisc.edu
The 1960s witnessed the greatest reduction in the mortality rates of black infants relative to
white infants of the last 50 years. We use these dramatic relative changes in the health of …

The Convergence in Black–White Infant Mortality Rates During the 1960's

KY Chay, M Greenstone - American Economic Review, 2000 - pubs.aeaweb.org
The dramatic reduction in the black–white earnings gap from 1965 to 1975 represents the
most significant period of economic progress for African-Americans in the post World War II …

The contribution of preterm birth to the black–white infant mortality gap, 1990 and 2000

AH Schempf, AM Branum… - … journal of public …, 2007 - ajph.aphapublications.org
Objectives. We evaluated whether the decline of the racial disparity in preterm birth during
the last decade was commensurate with a decline in the contribution of preterm birth to the …

Black–white differences in maternal age, maternal birth cohort, and period effects on infant mortality in the US (1983–2002)

DA Powers - Social Science Research, 2013 - Elsevier
We investigate three interrelated sources of change in infant mortality rates over a 20year
period using the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) linked birth and infant death …

Trend toward older maternal age contributed to growing racial inequity in very-low-birthweight infants in the US: Study examines older maternal age and racial …

AT Geronimus, J Bound, L Hughes - Health Affairs, 2023 - healthaffairs.org
In 2016 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that for the first time, US
women in their thirties were bearing more children than those in their twenties. Analyzing US …

Racial and ethnic disparities in birth outcomes: a life-course perspective

MC Lu, N Halfon - Maternal and child health journal, 2003 - Springer
Abstract Background: In the United States, Black infants have significantly worse birth
outcomes than do White infants. The cause of these persisting racial disparities remains …

Despite an overall decline in US infant mortality rates, the Black/White disparity persists: recent trends and future projections

S Loggins, FCD Andrade - Journal of community health, 2014 - Springer
This paper has two objectives. First, we examine the Black–White disparity in the US infant
mortality rate (IMR) between 1995 and 2009, and explore the influence of socioeconomic …

An ecological approach to understanding Black–White disparities in perinatal mortality

AP Alio, AR Richman, HB Clayton, DF Jeffers… - Maternal and child …, 2010 - Springer
Despite appreciable improvement in the overall reduction of infant mortality in the United
States, black infants are twice as likely to die within the first year of life as white infants, even …

Life course, social determinants, and health inequities: toward a national plan for achieving health equity for African American infants—a concept paper

VK Hogan, D Rowley, T Bennett, KD Taylor - Maternal and child health …, 2012 - Springer
Despite the best efforts by the public health community, the existence of disparity in African
American infant mortality appears to be insurmountable. Eliminating this disparity is the …

Trends in preterm birth and neonatal mortality among blacks and whites in the United States from 1989 to 1997

K Demissie, GG Rhoads, CV Ananth… - American Journal of …, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Preterm birth, a major determinant of infant mortality, has been increasing in recent years.
The authors examined trends in preterm birth and its determinants by using the US birth and …