Academia: a rewarding and critically important career path

DJ Cobaugh - American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2005 -
Afaculty appointment at a college or school of pharmacy is one of the most rewarding career
opportunities available to pharmacists who have completed a residency, fellowship, or …

[HTML][HTML] Role of board certification in advancing pharmacy practice

SG Johnson - Pharmacy Practice (Granada), 2019 - SciELO Espana
Despite significant improvements to health care delivery, health information technology, and
the availability of new medicines, medication-related problems persistently and detrimentally …

Should a pharmacy dean be a pharmacist?

CK Svensson - American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2015 -
I submit this commentary with the belief that the matter at hand is of significance for the
profession and the academy to which I have devoted my career. I also do so with some level …

Preparing for pharmacy residency accreditation surveys

MA DeCoske, PW Bush… - American Journal of Health …, 2010 -
The progress of health-system pharmacy depends on residency training. An increasingly
talented pharmacy work force is necessary if the profession is to reach the heights of its …

Grade point average is an inappropriate measure of a residency candidate's knowledge and skills

MM Soric, JD Robinson… - Journal of the American …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Accreditation standards set forth by the American Society of Health‐System Pharmacists
note that postgraduate year one programs should have a formal process in place to screen …

Survey of ASHP-accredited pharmacy residency programs

HR Jennings, PE Empey… - American journal of health …, 2000 -
The results of a survey of the requirements and features of pharmacy residency programs
are reported. The survey was mailed on March 5, 1999, to the directors of 414 pharmacy …

[PDF][PDF] Predictors of success rate in the California State Board of Pharmacy licensure examination

K Hill-Besinque, WY Wong, SG Louie… - American Journal of …, 2000 - Citeseer
The purpose of this study was to determine performance predictors for the California State
Board Examination (CSB exam). This information will provide quality assurance data to the …

[引用][C] The national voluntary certification program for pharmacy technicians

JE Smith - American journal of health-system pharmacy, 1995 -
Though pharmacists since the mid-1940s have been assisted by people who were not
formally trained in the art and science of the profession, we have been hesitant to accept …

Changes in pharmacy practice faculty 1995–2001: implications for junior faculty development

CL Raehl - … : The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Objective. To compare changes in United States pharmacy practice faculty demographics
from 1995–2001 and to discuss the implications for junior faculty development. Methods …

Is it time to decrease preprofessional pharmacy requirements?

A Pate - American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2015 -
Academia, as a whole, is poised for a dramatic paradigm shift in terms of the utility and value
of a formal degree from a higher education institution. In preparation for this shift, I suggest …