Thapsigargin induces an endothelium-dependent, intracellular calcium ion-dependent vasodilation in vitro

S Matsuyama, H Shuntoh, S Katayama, C Tanaka - Life sciences, 1993 - Elsevier
The effect of thapsigargin, a specific inhibitor of intracellular Ca 2+-ATPases, on
endothelium-dependent relaxation was studied in the guinea pig thoracic aorta …

Role of endothelium in thapsigargin-induced arterial responses in rat aorta

Y Huang, X Yao, CW Lau, FL Chan, NWK Chan… - European journal of …, 2000 - Elsevier
We assessed the role of endothelium in the arterial response to thapsigargin, the Ca2+-
ATPase inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum, in rat isolated aortic rings. Thapsigargin …

Thapsigargin inhibits the response to acetylcholine and substance P but does not interfere with the responses to endothelium-independent agents

S Amerini, S Filippi, A Parenti, M Ziche… - Journal of …, 1996 -
We investigated the influence of the Ca 2+-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (TG) on the
vasorelaxant response to different endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent …

Possible Involvement of Ca2+ Entry and its Pharmacological Characteristics Responsible for Endothelium‐dependent, NO‐mediated Relaxation Induced by …

H Taniguchi, H Hirano, Y Tanaka… - Journal of pharmacy …, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Thapsigargin, a specific inhibitor of Ca2+‐pump Ca2+‐ATPase in the sarcoplasmic/
endoplasmic reticulum (SR/ER), produces an endothelium‐dependent vascular relaxation …

Effects of thapsigargin in isolated rat thoracic aorta

EO Mikkelsen, O Thastrup… - Pharmacology & …, 1988 - Wiley Online Library
The effect of thapsigargin (Tg) was studied in rat thoracic aorta. Tg (10‐8—10‐5 M) had a
dual effect on rat aorta. Thus, Tg induced a concentration dependent increase in basal tone …

Endothelium mediated vasorelaxant effects of Ca (2+)-ATPase inhibitors on thoracic aorta from neonatal and adult guinea pigs.

H Tanaka, H Taniguchi, N Agata, Y Tanaka… - Research …, 1997 -
Vasorelaxant effects of Ca (2+)-ATPase inhibitors were examined in the isolated adult and
neonatal guinea pig thoracic aorta focusing on the functional alterations of endothelial cells …

Increased contractile response induced with ouabain is abolished by thapsigargin in aorta of renal hypertensive rats.

PI Ceron, LM Bendhack - General pharmacology, 1997 -
1. The aim of the present study was to test in vitro if the increased contractile effect of
phenylephrine and KCl, observed after the addition of ouabain in renal hypertensive rat …

Inhibition by SK&F96365 of NO-mediated relaxation induced by Ca2 (+)-ATPase inhibitors in rat thoracic aorta.

H Moritoki, T Hisayama, S Takeuchi… - British journal of …, 1996 -
We investigated the effect of SK&F96365, a putative inhibitor of receptor-operated Ca2+
entry, on the endothelium-dependent, NO-mediated relaxation and cyclic GMP formation …

Thapsigargin inhibits angiogenesis in the rat isolated aorta: studies on the role of intracellular calcium pools

N Shukla, N Freeman, P Gadsdon… - Cardiovascular …, 2001 -
Objective: Since the role of Ca2+ in angiogenesis is not fully understood, we investigated
the effect of thapsigargin (TG: depletes intracellular Ca2+ pools) and other Ca2+ modulators …

Selective inhibition of agonist-induced but not shear stress-dependent release of endothelial autacoids by thapsigargin.

H Macarthur, M Hecker, R Busse… - British journal of …, 1993 -
The effects of the Ca (2+)-ATPase inhibitor, thapsigargin, on the shear stress-dependent and
on the agonist-stimulated release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor, ie nitric oxide (NO) …