Utilization pattern of computed tomographic colonography in the United States: analysis of the US National Health Interview Survey

YR Hong, Z Xie, K Turner, S Datta, R Bishnoi… - Cancer Prevention …, 2021 - AACR
CT colonography for colorectal cancer screening has been proved to be effective and cost-
saving. CT colonography uses minimally invasive evaluation of colorectum and has better …

Utilization Pattern of Computed Tomographic Colonography in the United States: Analysis of the US National Health Interview Survey

YR Hong, Z Xie, K Turner, S Datta… - Cancer prevention …, 2021 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
CT colonography for colorectal cancer screening has been proved to be effective and cost-
saving. CT colonography uses minimally invasive evaluation of colorectum and has better …

Utilization pattern of computed tomographic colonography in the United States: Analysis of the US National Health Interview Survey

YR Hong, Z Xie, K Turner… - Cancer …, 2021 - mdanderson.elsevierpure.com
CT colonography for colorectal cancer screening has been proved to be effective and cost-
saving. CT colonography uses minimally invasive evaluation of colorectum and has better …

Utilization Pattern of Computed Tomographic Colonography in the United States: Analysis of the US National Health Interview Survey

YR Hong, Z Xie, K Turner, S Datta, R Bishnoi… - Cancer Prevention …, 2021 - cir.nii.ac.jp
抄録< jats: title> Abstract</jats: title>< jats: sec>< jats: title/>< jats: p> CT colonography for
colorectal cancer screening has been proved to be effective and cost-saving. CT …

Utilization Pattern of Computed Tomographic Colonography in the United States: Analysis of the US National Health Interview Survey.

YR Hong, Z Xie, K Turner, S Datta… - Cancer Prevention …, 2020 - europepmc.org
CT colonography for colorectal cancer screening has been proved to be effective and cost-
saving. CT colonography uses minimally invasive evaluation of colorectum and has better …