On (m, n)-injective modules and (m, n)-coherent rings

X Zhang, J Chen, J Zhang - Algebra Colloquium, 2005 - World Scientific
… conditions for a ring to be left (m, n)-coherent. Some known results on … flat modules are
obtained. Finally, we generalize the notions of coherent rings as well as pseudo-coherent rings to …

On relative injective modules and relative coherent rings

L Mao, N Ding - Communications in Algebra®, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
module N. These concepts are used to characterize von Neumann regular rings and (m,n)-coherent
rings… is a left (m,n)-coherent ring if and only if every right R-module has an (m,n)-flat …

Coherent rings and Gorenstein FP-injective modules

Z Gao, F Wang - Communications in Algebra, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
… -injective modules and investigate self-FP-injective coherent rings in terms of Gorenstein
FP-injective modules… A left R-module M is called Gorenstein FP-injective if there exists an exact …

Coherent rings, fp-injective modules, dualizing complexes, and covariant Serre–Grothendieck duality

L Positselski - Selecta Mathematica, 2017 - Springer
… the coherence condition. The definition of a dualizing complex over a commutative coherent
ring, … of the notion of an fp-injective module over a coherent ring. Secondly, we introduce the …

On n-Coherent rings

J Chen, N Ding - Communications in Algebra, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
… Let MI be a pure submodule of an n - FP-injective module M. For any finite n-presentation
Fn -t Fn-1 -+ ... -t Fl -+ Fo -+ A -+ 0 of A and any map f : I<, -+ MI , we get the following diagram …

On n-coherent rings and (n, d)-injective modules

D Zhang, B Ouyang - Algebra Colloquium, 2015 - World Scientific
… In this paper, we prove that if R is a left n-coherent ring and m ≥ 2, then gl-right-Jn,d-dimRM …
for all left R-modules M, N. Meanwhile, we prove that if R is a left n-coherent ring, then −⊗− …

Extensions of injectivity and coherent rings

J Chen, Y Zhou - Communications in Algebra®, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
… If R is right n-injective for every positive integer n, then we call R right f-injective. The ring
R is called right FP-injective if R is right (m,n)-injective for all positive integers m and n. …

Some characterizations of coherent rings in terms of strongly FP-injective modules

M Chen, H Kim, F Wang, X Zhang - Communications in Algebra, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
… new characterizations of coherent rings, we … -injective modules and injective modules, the
relationships between some classes of modules which include the class of injective modules, …

J-coherent rings

N Ding, Y Li, L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2009 - World Scientific
… left R-modules is J-injective if and only if every right Rmodule has a J-flat preenvelope. As
a … left R-module over a left J-coherent ring R has a J-injective cover. Recall that a ring R is …

Localization of injective modules over arithmetical rings

F Couchot - Communications in Algebra, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
… We recall that a module E is FP-injective if … injective R-module is flat we say that R is
an IF-ring. By [Citation5, Theorem 2], R is an IF-ring if and only if it is coherent and self FP-injective. …