-Injective and -coherent endomorphism rings of modules

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2020 - World Scientific
Let m and n be fixed positive integers. R is called a right (m, n)-injective ring if every right R-
homomorphism from an n-generated submodule of the right R-module R m to R extends to …

On (m, n)-injective modules and (m, n)-coherent rings

X Zhang, J Chen, J Zhang - Algebra Colloquium, 2005 - World Scientific
Let R be a ring. For two fixed positive integers m and n, a right R-module M is called (m, n)-
injective in case every right R-homomorphism from an n-generated submodule of Rm to M …

Modules Whose Endomorphism Rings Are (m, n)-Coherent

X Luo, L Mao - Algebra Colloquium, 2019 - World Scientific
Let M be a right R-module with endomorphism ring S. We study the left (m, n)-coherence of
S. It is shown that S is a left (m, n)-coherent ring if and only if the left annihilator ann M n …

Strongly Jn-Coherent rings

Z Zhu - International Electronic Journal of Algebra - dergipark.org.tr
Let R be a ring and na fixed positive integer. A right R-module M is called strongly Jn-
injective if every R-homomorphism from an n-generated small submodule of a free right R …

On relative injective modules and relative coherent rings

L Mao, N Ding - Communications in Algebra®, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Let m and n be fixed positive integers and M a right R-module. Recall that M is said to be (m,
n)-injective if for any (m, n)-presented right R-module P; M is called (m, n)-flat if for any (m, n) …

Relative projective modules and relative injective modules

L Mao, N Ding - Communications in Algebra®, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a ring, and n and d fixed non-negative integers. An R-module M is called (n, d)-
injective if Ext d+ 1 R (P, M)= 0 for any n-presented R-module P. M is said to be (n, d) …

On P-coherent endomorphism rings

LX Mao - Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, 2008 - Springer
A ring is called right P-coherent if every principal right ideal is finitely presented. Let MR be a
right R-module. We study the P-coherence of the endomorphism ring S of MR. It is shown …

[PDF][PDF] n-cocoherent rings, n-cosemihereditary rings and nV-rings

Z ZHU - 2014 - sid.ir
Let R be a ring, and let n, d be non-negative integers. A right R-module M is called (n, d)-
projective if Ext d+ 1 R (M, A)= 0 for every n-copresented right R-module A. R is called right n …

[PDF][PDF] Injective and coherent endomorphism rings relative to some matrices

Y Zeng - Open Mathematics, 2023 - degruyter.com
Let M be a right R-module with S= End (MR). Given two cardinal numbers α and β and a row-
finite matrix A∈ RFM β× α (S), SM is called injective relative to A if every left S …

Strongly (T, n)-Coherent Rings, (T, n)-Semihereditary Rings and (T, n)-Regular Rings

Z Zhu - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2020 - Springer
Let T be a weak torsion class of left R-modules and na positive integer. A left R-module M is
called (T, n)-injective if Ext R n (C, M)= 0 for each (T, n+ 1)-presented left R-module C; a right …