Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson, J Tay… - Nature climate …, 2014 - nature.com
Plants in most biomes are thought to be living at their hydraulic limits, and alterations to
precipitation patterns consistent with climate change trends are causing die-back in forests …

Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson… - Nature Climate …, 2014 - econpapers.repec.org
Widespread forest die-back due to the increasing frequency and intensity of drought in many
parts of the planet is focusing attention on the mechanisms of tree drought resistance. This …

Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson… - Nature Climate …, 2014 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Plants in most biomes are thought to be living at their hydraulic limits, and alterations to
precipitation patterns consistent with climate change trends are causing die-back in forests …

[引用][C] Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'BRIEN, S LEUZINGER… - Nature climate …, 2014 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels
CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple …

[引用][C] Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson, J Tay… - Nature Climate …, 2014 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels |
CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォーム …

[PDF][PDF] Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson, J Tay, A Hector - 2014 - academia.edu
Plants in most biomes are thought to be living at their hydraulic limits, and alterations to
precipitation patterns consistent with climate change trends are causing die-back in forests …

Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson, J Tay… - Nature Climate …, 2014 - ideas.repec.org
Widespread forest die-back due to the increasing frequency and intensity of drought in many
parts of the planet is focusing attention on the mechanisms of tree drought resistance. This …

[PDF][PDF] Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson, J Tay, A Hector - 2014 - obrienresearch.com
Plants in most biomes are thought to be living at their hydraulic limits, and alterations to
precipitation patterns consistent with climate change trends are causing die-back in forests …

Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels.

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson… - Nature Climate …, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
Plants in most biomes are thought to be living at their hydraulic limits, and alterations to
precipitation patterns consistent with climate change trends are causing die-back in forests …

Drought survival of tropical tree seedlings enhanced by non-structural carbohydrate levels

MJ O'Brien, S Leuzinger, CD Philipson, J Tay… - Nature Climate …, 2014 - zora.uzh.ch
Plants in most biomes are thought to be living at their hydraulic limits, and alterations to
precipitation patterns consistent with climate change trends are causing die-back in forests …