Purity and ascent for Gorenstein flat cotorsion modules

I Bird - arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.08135, 2021 - arxiv.org
… endowed with a right R-module structure, yielding a functor S ⊗… vanishing result concerning
Gorenstein flat modules and … to completely extend this result to Gorenstein flat modules, but …

Topological modular forms with level structure

M Hill, T Lawson - Inventiones mathematicae, 2016 - Springer
extend this to a functorial family of objects corresponding to elliptic curves with level structure
and modular … These do not vanish simultaneously on \(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{ell}\) and so …

Extremal growth of Betti numbers and trivial vanishing of (co) homology

J Lyle, J Montaño - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2020 - ams.org
… and Bass numbers of the modules involved. These, together … We now describe the structure
of the paper. In Section 2, we … In general, trivial vanishing need not ascend along flat local …

[PDF][PDF] Modular specification in rewriting logic (extended version)

O Martın, A Verdejo, N Martı-Oliet - 2017 - core.ac.uk
… This is the module we propose to control for mutual exclusion… and transitions in composed
systems disappears or is blurred. … kind of structures, that we call just transition structures or, to …

Exact categories and infinite tilting

W Rump - Communications in Algebra, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
… A carries the induced trivial exact structure from Mod ( R ) , … For non-classical tilting modules,
we exhibit an obstruction … ℓ ( A ) and D r ( A ) vanish, a condition which does not refer to any …

[HTML][HTML] Surfaces of minimal degree of tame representation type and mutations of Cohen–Macaulay modules

D Faenzi, F Malaspina - Advances in Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
… resolution of ACM bundles on scrolls relying on the structure of the derived category of a P 1
-… sequence vanish. For the leftmost term, using (1.14), we are reduced to show:(1.18) Ext X 1 …

[PDF][PDF] algebrization of some complete modules

M ASGHARZADEH - arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.03587, 2018 - arxiv.org
… CR-modules that are extended from a finitely generated Rmodule. Applications are given. …
with the structure of an CR-module such that we recover the origin R-module structure from R …

Koszul modules with vanishing resonance in algebraic geometry

M Aprodu, G Farkas, C Raicu, J Weyman - Selecta Mathematica, 2024 - Springer
… of the finite length Koszul module associated to a subspace \(… This definition has then
been extended by Suciu and … shows that the resonance carries a natural scheme structure

A vanishing result for higher smooth duals

C Sorensen - Algebra & Number Theory, 2019 - msp.org
… factors through GL2( p), extends the central character of V to Z by … decomposition, we get an
isomorphism of E[K]-modules … The module structure on E comes from the augmentation map …

Cellular structures using TEXTBACKSLASHmathboldTEXTBACKSLASHUq-tilting modules

HH Andersen, C Stroppel, D Tubbenhauer - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2017 - msp.org
… (see, eg, [Jantzen 1996, Lemma 4.6], which extends to our setup … This duality gives rise to
the involution in our cellular datum from … Tilting modules and Ext-vanishing. We say that a Uq-…