Precovers and preenvelopes by phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Communications in Algebra, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
… has a phantom cover and an Ext-phantom preenvelope in R-… of phantom preenvelopes and
Ext-phantom precovers in R-Mod… bijective correspondence between an ℐ-preenvelope (resp. …

Phantom Envelopes and -Phantom Covers of Modules

L Mao - Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2020 - Springer
… of precovers and preenvelopes (… an Ext-phantom preenvelope (which is a monomorphism)
with the cokernel pure-projective. We note that the existence of Ext-phantom preenvelopes is …

Higher phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2018 - World Scientific
… is an Ext-phantom morphism. We also investigate the existence of precovers and preenvelopes
by n-phantom and n-Ext-phantom morphisms. For instance, we prove that every left R-…

RD-phantom and RD-Ext-phantom Morphisms

L Mao - Filomat, 2018 -
… Just as a phantom precover is called special [22, p. 230] … RD-phantom precover f : M → N
special if the kernel of f is RD-injective. Similarly, we will call an RD-Ext-phantom preenvelope : …

On n-phantom and n-Ext-phantom Morphisms

K Lan, B Lu - Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - JSTOR
… We know that the concepts of preenvelopes and precovers (approximations) were introduced …
We note that the existence of Ext-phantom preenvelopes is a special case of the works [6, …

Powers of the phantom ideal

XH Fu, I Herzog - Proceedings of the London Mathematical …, 2016 -
… of morphisms are used to define an extension |$\mathcal {I} \… [28] of a phantom preenvelope
in the stable homotopy … D] proved the existence of phantom precovers by a dual argument, …

Neat-phantom and clean-cophantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
… a cophantom morphism or Ext-phantom morphism [15, 22] if the induced morphism Ext
preenvelope with a clean-projective cokernel. Finally, we establish the properties of precovers

Higher phantom morphisms with respect to a subfunctor of Ext

L Mao - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2019 - Springer
… ; A morphism g is an n-Ext-phantom morphism if and only if the … has an object-special n-phantom
precover. In addition, we … Dually we have the definitions of a c-preenvelope and a c…

Phantom ideals and cotorsion pairs in extriangulated categories

T Zhao, Z Huang - Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2019 - JSTOR
… gate the interplay among special precovering ideals, special … any E-extension δ, we have
that ϕ⋆δ is an I⋆-extension. Let … that a is a special I⊥E -preenvelope of A. Since x ∈ I ⊆ ⊥E (I…

[PDF][PDF] --phantom and --cophantom morphisms

M KHATTARI, D BENNIS - International Electronic Journal of Algebra -
phantom morphisms such as d-phantoms, d-Ext-phantoms, … Dually, we have the definitions
of a C-preenvelope and a C-… An I-precover is called I-cover if every endomorphism h of M …