Braided Tensor Categories Related to Vertex Algebras

J Auger, T Creutzig, S Kanade, M Rupert - … in Mathematical Physics, 2020 - Springer
The B _ p B p-algebras are a family of vertex operator algebras parameterized by p ∈ Z _ ≥
2 p∈ Z≥ 2. They are important examples of logarithmic CFTs and appear as chiral algebras …

The Vertex Algebras and

D Adamović, T Creutzig, N Genra, J Yang - … in mathematical physics, 2021 - Springer
The vertex algebras V^(p) V (p) and\mathcal R^(p) R (p) introduced in Adamović (Transform
Groups 21 (2): 299–327, 2016) are very interesting relatives of the well-known triplet …

The vertex algebras and

D Adamovic, T Creutzig, N Genra, J Yang - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2020 -
The vertex algebras $ V^{(p)} $ and $ R^{(p)} $ introduced in [2] are very interesting relatives
of the famous triplet algebras of logarithmic CFT. The algebra $ V^{(p)} $(respectively …

The tensor structure on the representation category of the triplet algebra

A Tsuchiya, S Wood - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2013 -
We study the braided monoidal structure that the fusion product induces on the Abelian
category $\mathcal {W} _p $-mod, the category of representations of the triplet W-algebra …

Structure of Virasoro tensor categories at central charge for integers

R McRae, J Yang - arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.02170, 2020 -
Let $\mathcal {O} _c $ be the category of finite-length central-charge-$ c $ modules for the
Virasoro Lie algebra whose composition factors are irreducible quotients of reducible Verma …

Deligne tensor products of categories of modules for vertex operator algebras

R McRae - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.14023, 2023 -
We show that if $\mathcal {U} $ and $\mathcal {V} $ are locally finite abelian categories of
modules for vertex operator algebras $ U $ and $ V $, respectively, then the Deligne tensor …

Genera of vertex operator algebras and three dimensional topological quantum field theories

G Höhn - arXiv preprint math/0209333, 2002 -
The notion of the genus of a quadratic form is generalized to vertex operator algebras. We
define it as the modular braided tensor category associated to a suitable vertex operator …

On ribbon categories for singlet vertex algebras

T Creutzig, R McRae, J Yang - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021 - Springer
We construct two non-semisimple braided ribbon tensor categories of modules for each
singlet vertex operator algebra M (p), p≥ 2. The first category consists of all finite-length M …

Haploid Algebras in -Tensor Categories and the Schellekens List

S Carpi, T Gaudio, L Giorgetti, R Hillier - Communications in Mathematical …, 2023 - Springer
We prove that a haploid associative algebra in a C∗-tensor category C is equivalent to a Q-
system (a special C∗-Frobenius algebra) in C if and only if it is rigid. This allows us to prove …

Braided tensor categories and extensions of vertex operator algebras

YZ Huang, A Kirillov, J Lepowsky - Communications in Mathematical …, 2015 - Springer
Let V be a vertex operator algebra satisfying suitable conditions such that in particular its
module category has a natural vertex tensor category structure, and consequently, a natural …