Adaptation to climate change: Evidence from US agriculture

M Burke, K Emerick - American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2016 -
Understanding the potential impacts of climate change on economic outcomes requires
knowing how agents might adapt to a changing climate. We exploit large variation in recent …

Identifying the economic impacts of climate change on agriculture

C Carter, X Cui, D Ghanem… - Annual Review of …, 2018 -
The ultimate impact of climate change on human systems will depend on the natural
resilience of ecosystems on which societies rely as well as on adaptation measures taken by …

Climate change and adaptation in agriculture: Evidence from US cropping patterns

X Cui - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2020 - Elsevier
Understanding how a changing climate alters regional comparative advantage is crucial for
evaluating the economic impacts of climate change. I exploit temporal variation in decades …

The economic impacts of climate change: evidence from agricultural output and random fluctuations in weather: comment

AC Fisher, WM Hanemann, MJ Roberts… - American Economic …, 2012 -
In a series of studies employing a variety of approaches, we have found that the potential
impact of climate change on US agriculture is likely negative. Deschênes and Greenstone …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of climate change on Indian agriculture

R Guiteras - Manuscript, Department of Economics, University of …, 2009 -
This paper estimates the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture. I use a 40% year
district% level panel data set covering over 200 Indian districts to estimate the effect of …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of climate variation on US agriculture

R Mendelsohn, W Nordhaus, D Shaw - The impact of climate …, 1999 -
This chapter explores the effect of climate on the value of US agricultural land using a
Ricardian model. The research extends previous analyses by including both interseasonal …

Economic impacts of climate-related changes to California agriculture

J Medellín-Azuara, RE Howitt, DJ MacEwan, JR Lund - Climatic Change, 2011 - Springer
California agriculture is driven by the interactions between technology, resources, and
market demands. Future production is a balance between the rates of change in these …

Economic implications of climate change for US agriculture: assessing recent evidence

J Lewandrowski, D Schimmelpfennig - Land Economics, 1999 - JSTOR
Recent studies estimate potential economic impacts of climate change on US agriculture.
While results are not directly comparable, several" big picture" lessons can be drawn. These …

Agricultural adaptation to a changing climate: economic and environmental implications vary by US region

S Malcolm, E Marshall, M Aillery, P Heisey… - USDA-ERS Economic …, 2012 -
Global climate models predict increases over time in average temperature worldwide, with
significant impacts on local patterns of temperature and precipitation. The extent to which …

The empirical analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation in agriculture

A Ortiz-Bobea - Handbook of agricultural economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Agriculture is arguably the most climate-sensitive sector of the economy. Growing concerns
about anthropogenic climate change have increased research interest in assessing its …