Trends in US physician work hours

E Chmelik - JAMA, 2010 -
To the Editor: Dr Staiger and colleagues1 analyzed trends in physician work hours,
identifying a decrease in hours worked per week during the last decade. I am concerned …

Employment status of physicians completing training

HP Pendergrass - JAMA, 1996 -
To the Editor.—The Graduate Medical Education Advisory Committee to the Council on
Medical Education of the American Medical Association in its May 1996 meeting spent …

Trends in the work hours of physicians in the United States

DO Staiger, DI Auerbach, PI Buerhaus - Jama, 2010 -
Context Recent trends in hours worked by physicians may affect workforce needs but have
not been thoroughly analyzed. Objectives To estimate trends in hours worked by US …

Residents' Working Hours

L Snider - JAMA, 1979 -
To the Editor.—I write as a nurse and the spouse of a family practice resident finishing the
first year of training. I believe that the long hours spent at the hospitals by the residents lower …

Salary differences by gender

K Nomura - JAMA, 2012 -
To the Editor: In a homogeneous cohort of mid-career academic physicians, Dr Jagsi and
colleagues reported a significant gender difference in salary even after adjusting for …

Resident duty hour reform and mortality in hospitalized patients

D Neely - JAMA, 2007 -
To the Editor: Dr Volpp and colleagues studied mortality in hospitalized Medicare
beneficiaries1 and patients in US Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. 2 They assessed changes …

Supervision, not regulation of hours, is the key to improving the quality of patient care

BM Bell - Jama, 1993 -
This week's issue ofThe Journalhas an article by Laine et al, 1 which elegantly demonstrates
how to study the effect changes in the working hours of residents will have on residency …

No evidence of an emerging physician surplus

WB Schwartz, DN Mendelson - JAMA, 1990 -
To the Editor.—In a recent article, 1 we analyzed data on changes in physicians' work load
and income during the 1980s and concluded that the demand for physicians' services has …

House staff work hours, supervision, and quality of care

PG Carmichael - JAMA, 1993 -
To the Editor.—The conclusions of the study 1 that blames restricted house staff hours for
increased in-hospital complications is dismaying, since it compares an established system …

Evidence-based evaluation of physician work hour regulations

LB Rice - JAMA, 2009 -
To the Editor: In their Commentary on building physician work hour regulations using first
principles and best evidence, Drs Volpp and Landrigan1 offer 3 possibilities to explain the …