Improving the yield of psychotherapy research

G Silberschatz - Psychotherapy Research, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Objective: Although the effectiveness of psychotherapy is well documented, little progress
has been made in elucidating mechanisms of change. Major impediments to progress are …

Toward a more clinically valid approach to therapy research.

MR Goldfried, BE Wolfe - Journal of consulting and clinical …, 1998 -
Despite the advances in psychotherapy outcome research, findings are limited because they
do not fully generalize to the way therapy is conducted in the real world. Research's clinical …

Finding out how psychotherapies help people change

DA Shapiro - Psychotherapy Research, 1995 - Taylor & Francis
The central goal of psychotherapy research is to achieve an understanding of the change
mechanisms giving rise to clients' clinical improvement. Efforts towards this goal have been …

Psychotherapy process and outcome research

KA Tompkins, JK Swift - The encyclopedia of clinical …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Psychotherapy process and outcome research is defined as the scientific investigation of
psychotherapy as a treatment for mental and behavioral health problems. This area of …

Major developments in methods addressing for whom psychotherapy may work and why

S Zilcha-Mano - Psychotherapy Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Significant progress has been achieved in the last decades in studying two central questions
in psychotherapy research: what treatment works for which patient and why does treatment …

Psychotherapy practice and research: Repairing a strained alliance.

MR Goldfried, BE Wolfe - American Psychologist, 1996 -
Although the gap between psychotherapy practice and research has been present for some
time, recent pressures for accountability from outside the system—managed health care and …

Evaluation of psychotherapy: Efficacy, effectiveness, and patient progress.

KI Howard, K Moras, PL Brill, Z Martinovich… - American …, 1996 -
Abstract Treatment-focused research is concerned with the establishment of the comparative
efficacy and effectiveness of clinical interventions, aggregated over groups of patients. The …

Are all psychotherapies equivalent?

WB Stiles, DA Shapiro, R Elliott - American psychologist, 1986 -
Contends that despite clear demonstrations by process researchers of systematic
differences in therapists' techniques, most reviews of psychotherapy outcome research show …

Individual psychotherapy outcome and process research: Challenges leading to greater turmoil or a positive transition?

SM Kopta, RJ Lueger, SM Saunders… - Annual review of …, 1999 -
▪ Abstract Psychotherapy is facing challenges that relate to the emergence of managed
health care, the possibility of a national health care system, and advances in biological …

Using the patient's plan to assess progress in psychotherapy.

G Silberschatz, JT Curtis, S Nathans - … : Theory, Research, Practice …, 1989 -
The value of adopting a case-specific approach to studies of psychotherapy has been noted
in numerous recent reviews. However, few studies have assessed the suitability of therapist …