Robotics and neuroscience

D Floreano, AJ Ijspeert, S Schaal - Current Biology, 2014 -
In the attempt to build adaptive and intelligent machines, roboticists have looked at
neuroscience for more than half a century as a source of inspiration for perception and …

Integrating robotics and neuroscience: brains for robots, bodies for brains

M Rucci, D Bullock, F Santini - Advanced Robotics, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Researchers in robotics and artificial intelligence have often looked at biology as a source of
inspiration for solving their problems. From the opposite perspective, neuroscientists have …

[PDF][PDF] Neurorobotics: From vision to action

M Arbib, G Metta, P Smagt - Springer handbook of robotics, 2008 -
The lay view of a robot is a mechanical human, and thus robotics has always been inspired
by attempts to emulate biology. In this Chapter, we extend this biological motivation from …

Neurorobotics—A thriving community and a promising pathway toward intelligent cognitive robots

JL Krichmar - Frontiers in neurorobotics, 2018 -
Neurorobots are robots whose control has been modeled after some aspect of the brain.
Since the brain is so closely coupled to the body and situated in the environment …

Robots in invertebrate neuroscience

B Webb - Nature, 2002 -
Can we now build artificial animals? A combination of robot technology and
neuroethological knowledge is enabling the development of realistic physical models of …

Small brains, smart machines: from fly vision to robot vision and back again

N Franceschini - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2014 -
Neurobiological and neuroethological findings on insects can be used to design and
construct small robots controlling their navigation on the basis of bio-inspired visual …

[PDF][PDF] Neurorobotics: a strategic pillar of the human brain project

A Knoll, MO Gewaltig, J Sanders, J Oberst - Science Robotics, 2016 -
Neurorobotics is an emerging science that studies the interaction of brain, body, and
environment in closed perception–action loops where a robot's actions affect its future …

Neuromorphic and brain-based robots

JL Krichmar, H Wagatsuma - Biologically Inspired Cognitive …, 2011 -
Neuromorphic and brain-based robotics have enormous potential for furthering our
understanding of the brain. By embodying models of the brain on robotic platforms …

Evolutionary neurocontrollers for autonomous mobile robots

D Floreano, F Mondada - Neural networks, 1998 - Elsevier
In this article we describe a methodology for evolving neurocontrollers of autonomous
mobile robots without human intervention. The presentation, which spans from technological …

[PDF][PDF] Brain-based devices-an embodied approach to linking nervous system structure and function to behavior

JG Fleischer, GM Edelman - IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 2009 -
IN the last several decades great progress has been made in describing how the separate
systems of the brain function. Less progress has been made in obtaining a global picture of …