Semi-perfect FPF rings and applications

TG Faticoni - Journal of Algebra, 1987 - Elsevier
A ring R is right FPF if each faithful finitely generated right R module is a generator of MOD-
R. The purpose of this paper is to answer several questions posed by C. Faith and S. Page …

FPF rings and some conjectures of C. Faith

SS Page - Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 1983 -
A left FPF ring is a ring R such that every finitely generated faithful left R-module generates
the category of left R-modules. It is shown that such rings split into R= A⊕ B, where A is a …

On nonsingular right FPF rings

WD Buigess - Communications in Algebra, 1984 - Taylor & Francis
A right FPF ring is one over which every finitely generated faithful right module is a
generator. The main purpose of the article is to givp the following cnaracterization of certain …

[PDF][PDF] FQF-3 rings

SS Page - Mathematical Journal of Okayama University, 1988 -
In this paper we will introduce a new class of rings which seem to deserve study. In the early
1940's Nakayama introduced and began the study of Frobenius and Quasi-Frobenius …

How injective is a semiperfect fpf ring?

V Camillo - Communications in Algebra, 1989 - Taylor & Francis
Theodore Faticoni in [4], did a thorough study of semiperfect FPF rings. Faticoni points out
that FPF rings are generalizations of injective rings. Our purpose here is to give an internal …


WK Nicholson, MF Yousif - 2001 - Taylor & Francis
A ring R is called right FP-injective if every R-homomor-phism from a finitely generated
submodule of a free right R-module F into R extends to F. In this paper a ring R will be called …

Semiperfect FPF rings

SS Page - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1983 -
In this paper we derive some of the structure of semiperfect FPF rings. A ring is right FPF if
every fg faithful right module is a generator. For semiperfect right and left FPF rings we show …

[PDF][PDF] On nonsingular FPF-rings. I

S Kobayashi - 1985 -
A ring R is right finitely pseudo Frobenius (FPF) if every finitely generated faithful right jR-
module generates the category of right jR-modules. In [2], C. Faith has shown that a …

[PDF][PDF] On rings whose finitely generated faithful modules are generators

D Herbera, P Menal - Journal of Algebra, 1989 -
A ring R over which every finitely generated faithful right R-module is a generator of the
category mod-R of all right R-modules is called right FPF. FPF ring theory was initiated in …

Injective cogenerator rings and a theorem of Tachikawa

C Faith - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1976 -
Tachikawa showed that a left perfect ring R is an injective cogenerator in the category of all
right R-modules iff there holds:(right FPF) every finitely generated faithful right module …