Y Alagöz - Journal of Universal Mathematics, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
… that every C-flat module is injective if and only if R is a QF ring. … ring if and only if every
FP-injective right R-module is C-flat. … the C-flat modules and some characterizations of CF and QF …

FPn-injective and FPn-flat modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule

W Wu, Z Gao - Communications in Algebra, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
some equivalent characterizations of left n-coherent rings in … They gave some nice
characterizations of the modules in the … in terms of C-injective, C-projective and C-flat modules, …

[PDF][PDF] On the C-flatness and injectivity of character modules

Z Huang - Electronic Research Archive, 2022 - aimspress.com
… In Section 4, we show that R is a left coherent (and right perfect) ring if and only if for any
left S-module N, the C-FP-injective dimension of N and the C-flat (respectively, C-projective) …

Envelopes, covers and semidualizing modules

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2019 - World Scientific
… , we characterize coherent rings, Noetherian rings, perfect rings and … rings in terms of
envelopes and covers by Cprojective, C-flat, C-injective and C-FP -injective modules, where C is a …


Z Zhu - Mathematical Reports, 2021 - imar.ro
… To characterize C-coherent rings and C-semihereditary rings, in [… concepts of C-injective
modules and C-flat modules. … of C-flat (resp., Ccotorsion, C-injective, C-projective) modules by …

Finitistic dimension and orthogonal classes of Gorenstein projective modules with respect to a semidualizing module

E Tavasoli - Communications in Algebra, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
… G C -projective module is G C -flat if and only if for every C-injective module I, the character
module … In Section 4, we investigate some results on orthogonal classes of G C -projective R-…

Buchweitz's equivalences for Gorenstein flat modules with respect to semidualizing modules

J Hu, Y Geng, J Wu, H Li - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
C ) of C-flat (respectively C-flat C-cotorsion) modules and the … C -projective dimension.
Motivated by this, we wonder … module R, some equivalent characterizations for a ring R to be …

On -coherent rings, strongly -coherent rings and -semihereditary rings

Z Zhanmin - Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
some new characterizations and properties of left C-coherent … modules and C-flat modules.
According to [27], a left R-… of C-projective modules and left strongly C-coherent rings. …

Relative Gorenstein flat modules and Foxby classes and their model structures

D Bennis, RE Maaouy, JRG Rozas… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
… We characterize when the pair (GC-flat,GC-cotorsion) is a … -injective modules coincide with
the concepts of C-flat and C-… the class of C-projective, that is, modules in the class C ⊗S P(…

[PDF][PDF] Gorenstein Modules Induced by Foxby Equivalence

Z Huang, M Sheng - maths.nju.edu.cn
… Moreover, we obtain some equivalent characterizations for … any C-projective left R-module
is C-flat (Theorem 5.14). For a … Gorenstein rings, then the left and right injective dimensions of …