Torsion and torsion-free classes from objects of finite type in Grothendieck categories

D Bravo, S Odabaşı, CE Parra, MA Pérez - Journal of Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
… F n as torsion and torsion-free classes, respectively, are given … used in module theory and
representation theory of Artin … In particular, every cotorsion pair cogenerated by a set in a …

Parametrizing torsion pairs in derived categories

L Angeleri Hügel, M Hrbek - Representation Theory of the American …, 2021 -
… equivalent if they cogenerate the same cosilting class, which … classes are precisely the
definable torsion-free classes, cf. [6, … We consider the tilting cotorsion pair (A, Gen TA) induced by …

The Cotorsion Pair Cogenerated by the Subcategory of Stable Functors in ((R-mod)op, Ab)

X Fu, M Ni - Algebra Colloquium, 2019 - World Scientific
… For its applications in approximation theory, relative homological algebra, and tilting theory,
… ) the torsion-free quotient of X. A torsion pair t = (T , F) is said to be hereditary if the class T is …

New model structures and projective (injective) cotorsion pairs

A Xu - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2023 - World Scientific
… If these two cotorsion pairs are also cogenerated by sets, … ] and Salce [33], a cotorsion pair
is a pair of classes (X, Y) in D … Gorenstein flat if and only if it is strongly torsionfree. (3) A left R-…

Tilting classes over commutative rings

M Hrbek, J Šťovíček - Forum Mathematicum, 2020 -
… We also show that tilting theory is intimately related to … the torsion-free classes under the
correspondence from Proposition 2.12. This was important in the classification of tilting classes

Minimal approximations for cotorsion pairs generated by modules of projective dimension at most one over commutative rings

GG LE GROS - 2019 -
… modules, silting classes, torsion theories and linear topologies. … for cotorsion pairs cogenerated
by a particular class which we … a 1cotilting cotorsion pair and the torsion-free class ⊥C is …

Tilting preenvelopes and cotilting precovers in general Abelian categories

CE Parra, M Saorín, S Virili - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2023 - Springer
… the right constituents of right complete cotorsion pairs and, when A has an … If there is a
cogenerating class X ⊆ V … TTF class if it is both a torsion and a torsion-free class; in this last case, ( …

On tau-tilting subcategories

J Asadollahi, S Sadeghi, H Treffinger - Canadian Journal of …, 2024 -
… of this theory of Beligiannis in persistence theory and … τcotorsion torsion triples with the
left weak cotorsion torsion … To show that it is a torsion free class, we need to show that it …


F We -
… a natural cotorsion theory related to these two classes when there … , if the pair (F;F?) is
cogenerated by a set then evry object M 2 Ob(A… of the class of arbitrary R-torsionfree RG-modules. …

Simple objects in the heart of a t-structure

A Rapa - 2019 -
… it is obtained from a torsion pair cogenerated by a cotilting object. At … Afterwards, we outline
the theory of torsion pairs in a … Finally, we know that CogenW is a torsionfree class in G in the …