Some characterizations of coherent rings in terms of strongly FP-injective modules

M Chen, H Kim, F Wang, X Zhang - Communications in Algebra, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
… Comparing with some classical results of Noetherian rings, we show … some new
characterizations of coherent rings, we mainly study some properties of strongly FP-injective

Almost coherent modules and almost coherent sheaves

B Zavyalov - arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.10773, 2021 -
… case of almost coherent rings. We discuss base change results in Section 2.8. Finally, we
develop … The case of injective modules follows from the fact that (−)a admits an exact left adjoint …

Graded rings and modules

H Matsumura - Commutative Ring Theory, 2023 -
… section 2 will be a brief summary of some of the main results of … a *injective module is a
graded module which is an injective … For n E l we set Op(n) = 0p(1)0 n, and for a quasi-coherent

Flat cotorsion modules over Noether algebras

R Kanda, T Nakamura - Documenta Mathematica, 2022 -
… If the ring is left coherent and all flat right modules have finite … Using the injective module
IAop (P) over the opposite ring … In this section, we collect some known results, which we will …

n-gr-coherent rings and Gorenstein graded modules

M Amini, D Bennis, S Mamdouhi - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2022 - Springer
n-FP-gr-injective and Gorenstein n-gr-flat modules. Among other results, we prove that any
graded module … the FP-gr-injective modules on gr-coherent rings was investigated. Along the …

[PDF][PDF] Module classes induced by complexes and λ-pure-injective modules

M Cortés-Izurdiaga, J Šaroch - arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08602, 2021 -
results about λ-pure-injective modules for infinite regular cardinals λ. Finally, under different
set-theoretical hypotheses, we show that for an arbitrary ring … PGFlat over a left coherent ring. …

On subinjectivity domains of RD-injective modules

Y Durğun - Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 2022 - World Scientific
… is from being injective. In this paper, we consider three families of rings characterized by
their RD-injective left R-modules via the … Therefore, we have the following result over C rings. …

FP-Injective and FP-Flat Complexes

Z Gao, J Peng - Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences …, 2019 - Springer
injective and weak flat complexes were introduced, and many results of complexes have been
generalized from coherent … Since any direct product of FP\(_n\)-injective modules is FP\(_n\…

Acyclic complexes and Gorenstein rings

S Estrada, A Iacob, H Zolt - Algebra Colloquium, 2020 - World Scientific
… over any ring R: every exact complex of injective modules is … Here we extend some results
of [5] to arbitrary rings. We … over a coherent ring R the following statements are equivalent (n < …

[PDF][PDF] Rings and modules characterized by opposites of FP-injectivity

E Buyukasik, G Kafkas-Demirci - Bulletin of the Korean …, 2019 -
… First, we recall the characterization of FP-injective modules. … In the following result we
characterize when the absolutely pure … Right coherent rings, right semihereditary rings, local rings