[图书][B] Essentials of Exercise & Sport Nutrition: Science to Practice

RBKPDF FISSN - 2019 - books.google.com
We all want to look and feel good. We also want to perform well whether it's in the weight
room, in sports, or at work. Research has shown exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate …

[图书][B] Fundamentals of sport and exercise nutrition.

M Dunford - 2010 - cabdirect.org
This book provides readers with a preparatory look at the exciting field of sport and exercise
nutrition, including its foundational concepts and the diverse career options available. The …

[图书][B] Nutrition for sport and exercise

M Dunford, JA Doyle - 2019 - thuvienso.hoasen.edu.vn
This book emphasizes the scientific basis for sports nutrition recommendations and
highlights current research studies of trained athletes. The text helps you translate current …

[图书][B] NSCA's guide to sport and exercise nutrition

B Campbell - 2020 - books.google.com
NSCA's Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Second Edition, presents valuable
foundational information on the effects that nutrition has on performance, health, and body …

Eating for performance: bringing science to the training table

LJ Bonci - Clinics in sports medicine, 2011 - sportsmed.theclinics.com
Nutrition for athletes is a critical part of health and performance. Despite many advances in
nutritional knowledge and dietary practices, sports nutrition-associated issues, such as …

[图书][B] Nutrition for sport and exercise

JR Berning, SN Steen - 2006 - books.google.com
Nutrition for Sport and Exercise, Second Edition gives you a wealth of information and
guidance to design effective nutrition programs for athletic clients and promote lifelong …

[图书][B] Nutritional concerns in recreation, exercise, and sport

JA Driskell, I Wolinsky - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Athletes, coaches, and recreationalists are continually seeking ways to maximize their
competitive efforts in both exercise and sport, and from 5km runners to Olympians, most …

[图书][B] Sport nutrition for health and performance

M Manore, NL Meyer, J Thompson - 2009 - books.google.com
Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance, Second Edition, will help students and
practitioners understand the function of the nutrients in the body and how these nutrients …

[图书][B] Nutrition in exercise and sport

I Wolinsky - 1997 - books.google.com
The third edition of Nutrition in Exercise and Sport has been updated and expanded to
include the latest developments in the field. This third edition of a bestseller among sports …

[图书][B] Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Performance: A practical guide for students, sports enthusiasts and professionals

A Forsyth - 2020 - books.google.com
Nutrition before, during and after training or a sporting event can improve the comfort,
energy and performance of athletes of all levels, from elite to recreational, as well as …