phantom stable category of -Frobenius categories

A Bahlekeh, FS Fotouhi, S Salarian… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023 -
Let $ n $ be a non-negative integer. An exact category $\C $ is said to be an $ n $-Frobenius
category, provided that it has enough $ n $-projectives and $ n $-injectives and the $ n …

Fonctorial Construction of Frobenius Categories

V Beck - arXiv preprint arXiv:0903.2868, 2009 -
Let $\Ascr,\Bscr $ be exact categories with $\Ascr $ karoubian and $ M $ be an exact functor.
Under suitable adjonction hypotheses for $ M $, we are able to show that the direct factors of …

Frobenius condition on a pretriangulated category, and triangulation on the associated stable category

H Nakaoka - arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.1033, 2010 -
As shown by Happel, from any Frobenius exact category, we can construct a triangulated
category as a stable category. On the other hand, it was shown by Iyama and Yoshino that if …

The stable monomorphism category of a Frobenius category

XW Chen - arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.1987, 2009 -
For a Frobenius abelian category $\mathcal {A} $, we show that the category ${\rm
Mon}(\mathcal {A}) $ of monomorphisms in $\mathcal {A} $ is a Frobenius exact category; …

Fraction, restriction and range categories from non-monic classes of morphisms

SN Hosseini, AR Nasab, W Tholen - arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.00081, 2019 -
For a composition-closed and pullback-stable class S of morphisms in a category C
containing all isomorphisms, we form the category Span (C, S) of S-spans (s, f) in C with first" …

Fraction, restriction, and range categories from stable systems of morphisms

SN Hosseini, ARSA Nasab, W Tholen - Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2020 - Elsevier
For a composition-closed and pullback-stable class S of morphisms in a category C
containing all isomorphisms, we form the category Span (C, S) of S-spans (s, f) in C with first …

Three results on Frobenius categories

XW Chen - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2012 - Springer
This paper consists of three results on Frobenius categories:(1) we give sufficient conditions
on when a factor category of a Frobenius category is still a Frobenius category;(2) we show …

The stable hull of an exact -category

J Klemenc - arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04957, 2020 -
We construct a left adjoint $\mathcal {H}^\text {st}\colon\mathbf {Ex} _ {\infty}\rightarrow\
mathbf {St} _ {\infty} $ to the inclusion $\mathbf {St} _ {\infty}\hookrightarrow\mathbf {Ex} …

A theorem of Retakh for exact -categories and higher extension functors

ED Børve, P Trygsland - arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05138, 2021 -
We define extension $\infty $-categories for exact $\infty $-categories in terms of bifibrations.
Extension $\infty $-categories are invariant when passing to the stable hull, and …

Different exact structures on the monomorphism categories

R Hafezi, I Muchtadi-Alamsyah - Applied Categorical Structures, 2021 - Springer
Let XX be a contravariantly finite resolving subcategory of mod-\varLambda mod-Λ, the
category of finitely generated right\varLambda Λ-modules. We associate to XX the …