Leptin and the regulation of body weight

RV Considine, JF Caro - The international journal of biochemistry & cell …, 1997 - Elsevier
Leptin has received considerable attention as a newly recognized metabolic hormone and
for its potential for therapeutic use in the treatment of human obesity. Furthermore, defects in …

Weight regulation, leptin and growth hormone

RV Considine - Hormone Research, 1997 - karger.com
Leptin, the product of the adipose tissue-specific ob gene, is a newly recognized hormone
involved in the regulation of metabolism and body composition. Leptin appears to provide …

Leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology

CS Mantzoros, F Magkos… - American Journal …, 2011 - journals.physiology.org
Leptin, discovered through positional cloning 15 years ago, is an adipocyte-secreted
hormone with pleiotropic effects in the physiology and pathophysiology of energy …

Leptin and clinical medicine: a new piece in the puzzle of obesity

GA Bray, DA York - The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & …, 1997 - academic.oup.com
THE DISCOVERY of leptin in 1994 has provided a major new piece in the puzzle of obesity.
Leptin is a 167-amino acid peptide made exclusively in adipose tissue. Its absence …

Regulation of energy balance by leptin

A Hamann, S Matthaei - Experimental and clinical …, 1996 - thieme-connect.com
The high prevalence of obesity and its well documented association with the cardiovascular
risk factors diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and hypertension represents a major problem for …

Leptin and its metabolic interactions–an update

Anubhuti, S Arora - Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Obesity results from an abnormal accumulation of fat in the white adipose tissue. Recent
research utilizing genetic models of obesity in rodents has implicated a major role of leptin …

Regulation of leptin production

RV Considine - Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders, 2001 - Springer
Leptin, the product of the Lep gene (originally termed ob gene), was discovered through
positional cloning techniques employed to determine the genetic defect resulting in obesity …

Leptin: physiology and pathophysiology

G Frühbeck, SA Jebb, AM Prentice - Clinical physiology, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
The identification and sequencing of the ob gene and its product, leptin, in late 1994 opened
new insights in the study of the mechanisms controlling body weight and led to a surge of …

Physiological roles of the leptin endocrine system: differences between mice and humans

J Himms-Hagen - Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
Leptin is a 16-kDa cytokine secreted in humans primarily but not exclusively by adipose
tissues. Its concentration in blood is usually proportional to body fat mass, but is higher in …

The function of leptin in nutrition, weight, and physiology

JM Friedman - Nutrition reviews, 2002 - academic.oup.com
Recent advances indicate that a robust physiologic system acts to maintain relative
constancy of weight in mammals. A key component of this system is leptin. Leptin is an …