A conceptualisation of a governance model for biobanks in the digital society

S Iacomussi - 2022 - amsdottorato.unibo.it
Biobanks are key infrastructures in data-driven biomedical research. The counterpoint of this
optimistic vision is the reality of biobank governance, which must address various ethical …

A conceptualisation of a governance model for biobanks in the digital society

S Iacomussi - 2022 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Los biobancos son infraestructuras clave en la investigación biomédica basada en datos.
Proporcionan a la comunidad científica una colección sistemática y de alta calidad de …

[PDF][PDF] in cotutela con Universitat de Barcelona

Biobanks are key infrastructures in data-driven biomedical research. They provide a
systematic and high-quality collection of well-annotated human biological materials and …

[PDF][PDF] in cotutela con Universitat de Barcelona

ACOFAG MODEL - amsdottorato.unibo.it
Biobanks are key infrastructures in data-driven biomedical research. They provide a
systematic and high-quality collection of well-annotated human biological materials and …