Torsion and torsion-free classes from objects of finite type in Grothendieck categories

D Bravo, S Odabaşı, CE Parra, MA Pérez - Journal of Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
… F n as torsion and torsion-free classes, respectively, are given … used in module theory and
representation theory of Artin … In particular, every cotorsion pair cogenerated by a set in a …

Parametrizing torsion pairs in derived categories

L Angeleri Hügel, M Hrbek - Representation Theory of the American …, 2021 -
… equivalent if they cogenerate the same cosilting class, which … classes are precisely the
definable torsion-free classes, cf. [6, … We consider the tilting cotorsion pair (A, Gen TA) induced by …

New model structures and projective (injective) cotorsion pairs

A Xu - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2023 - World Scientific
… If these two cotorsion pairs are also cogenerated by sets, … ] and Salce [33], a cotorsion pair
is a pair of classes (X, Y) in D … Gorenstein flat if and only if it is strongly torsionfree. (3) A left R-…

Tilting classes over commutative rings

M Hrbek, J Šťovíček - Forum Mathematicum, 2020 -
… We also show that tilting theory is intimately related to … the torsion-free classes under the
correspondence from Proposition 2.12. This was important in the classification of tilting classes

Tilting preenvelopes and cotilting precovers in general Abelian categories

CE Parra, M Saorín, S Virili - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2023 - Springer
… the right constituents of right complete cotorsion pairs and, when A has an … If there is a
cogenerating class X ⊆ V … TTF class if it is both a torsion and a torsion-free class; in this last case, ( …

On tau-tilting subcategories

J Asadollahi, S Sadeghi, H Treffinger - Canadian Journal of …, 2024 -
… of this theory of Beligiannis in persistence theory and … τcotorsion torsion triples with the
left weak cotorsion torsion … To show that it is a torsion free class, we need to show that it …


F We -
… a natural cotorsion theory related to these two classes when there … , if the pair (F;F?) is
cogenerated by a set then evry object M 2 Ob(A… of the class of arbitrary R-torsionfree RG-modules. …

Cotorsion Theory

F Wang, H Kim - Foundations of Commutative Rings and Their Modules, 2024 - Springer
… This chapter will explore the properties of cotorsion theories and demonstrate how to construct
a homology theory for any cotorsion pair. In this chapter, the class of modules discussed …

Cotilting sheaves over weighted noncommutative regular projective curves

D Kussin, R Laking - Documenta Mathematica, 2020 -
… to establish our results: the theory of purity in locally finitely … X) we denote the class of all
objects Y cogenerated by X, that … classes in H coincide with the generating torsion-free classes, …

co-Hopfian Modules

FC Leary - arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.09961, 2022 -
… Recall that an R-module is finitely cogenerated if its injective … a well-defined structure theory
for a class of modules, then we … C is cotorsion if every extension of C by a torsion-free group …