Finiteness properties and homological dimensions of skew group rings

V Gubitosi, R Parra - arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.10599, 2022 -
… -cotorsion modules and n-cotorsion global dimension are defined and used in order to study
semisimple Artinian skew group rings and regular coherent skew group ringsn-perfect ring. …

On Finitistic Flat Dimension of Rings and Schemes

R Bagherian, E Hosseini - Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2021 - Springer
… Furthermore, if R is a commutative n-perfect ring, we prove that \(\mathrm {fPD}(R)<+\infty
\) … -module \(M_n\) of cotorsion dimension n. Then the cotorsion dimension of the product \(\prod …

[PDF][PDF] Generalization of n-Perfect Ring and Cotorsion dimension over on Strong n-Perfect Ring

R Dravid -
… projective dimension less or equal than n. In this paper we introduce “Strong n-Perfect rings
In this paper we investigate the transfer of n-Perfect ring to strong n-Perfect property in some …

On FI-cotorsion modules and dimensions

AD Alqahtani, K Ouarghi - J. Math. Comput. Sci., 2021 -
… is FI-cotorsion if and only if M is also FI-cotorsion. In … -cotorsion dimension of modules and
rings. We give characterizations of these dimensions and we study the FI-cotorsion dimension

On -Gorenstein projective dimensions and precovers

B Yu - Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2020 -
… , a ring R is said to be n-perfect provided that all flat R-modules have projective dimensions
… 7.3], since the cotorsion pair (P , R Mod) is a projective cotorsion pair cogenerated by some …

-Matlis cotorsion modules and -matlis domains

Y Pu, G Tang, F Wang - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2020 - World Scientific
… a ring R and an R-module M, we use pd R M to denote the classical projective dimension of
… (Recall: a domain R is said to be n-perfect if every flat R-module has projective dimension at …

[PDF][PDF] Model structures, n-Gorenstein flat modules and PGF dimensions

R El Maaouy - arXiv e-prints, 2023 -
… a ring R is left n-perfect if and only if every Gorenstein flat left R-module has PGF dimension
… of the right hand of the n-Gorenstein flat cotorsion pair without any assumptions on the ring. …

Acyclic complexes and Gorenstein rings

S Estrada, A Iacob, H Zolt - Algebra Colloquium, 2020 - World Scientific
… Moreover, since all Bn and Tn are in B and the cotorsion pair (A, B) is hereditary, we …
dimension less than or equal to n (this is [4, Definition 2.1]). We show that every left n-perfect ring

Dimension of complexes related to special Gorenstein projective precovers (II)

Z Liu, M Pengju - Communications in Algebra, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
dimension of X related to special Gorenstein projective precovers. Let R be a ring such
that ( G P , G P ⊥ ) forms a cotorsionring such that G P ⊆ G F (eg right coherent and left n-perfect

When every S-flat module is (flat) projective

D Bennis, A Bouziri - Communications in Algebra, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
ring with identity and S a multiplicative subset of R. The aim of this paper is to study the class
of commutative rings … , the weak and global homological dimensions of R. Also, we denote …