Baro and cardiac reflex abnormalities in chronic heart failure

IH Zucker - Reflex Control of the Circulation, 2020 -
This chapter focuses on the afferent and reflex responses of both cardiac and arterial
baroreceptor activation. The difference between atrial receptor function in quadrupeds and …

Baroreflex abnormalities in congestive heart failure

IH Zucker, W Wang, M Brandle - Physiology, 1993 -
Abnormalities in reflex control of the circulation in heart failure are mediated by afferent and
target organ alterations. Depression of afferent function is especially prominent in arterial …

Modulation of baroreflex and baroreceptor function in experimental heart failure

IH Zucker, W Wang - Current Topics in Heart Failure: Experimental and …, 1991 - Springer
The reflex control of the circulation is clearly abnormal in heart failure. It has been known for
many years that the baroreflex control of heart rate is depressed in both humans and …

Baroreceptor reflex function in congestive heart failure

MA Creager - The American journal of cardiology, 1992 - Elsevier
Congestive heart failure is characterized by decreased parasympathetic and increased
sympathetic nervous system activity. Impairment of baroreceptor reflex function may be …

Cardiac and baroreflex control of the circulation in heart failure

IH Zucker - Heart Failure Mechanisms and Management, 1991 - Springer
Neurohumoral abnormalities in heart failure include increased secretion of vasoactive
hormones such as catecholamines [1], vasopressin [2, 3], renin-angiotensin [4], and …

Baroreflexes in congestive heart failure

MD Thames, ME Dibner-Dunlap - Baroreceptor reflexes: integrative …, 1991 - Springer
It has been known for many years that clinical congestive heart failure is accompanied by a
neurohumoral excitatory state characterized by increased levels of norepinephrine and of …

Physiology and pathophysiology of baroreceptor function and neuro-hormonal abnormalities in heart failure

HR Kirchheim, A Just, H Ehmke - Heart rate as a determinant of cardiac …, 1998 - Springer
This review deals with the neuro-hormonal changes in congestive heart failure, a syndrome
that is usually initiated by a reduction of cardiac output. In order to do this, we should like to …

Heart failure: role of cardiovascular reflexes.

JT Shepherd - Cardioscience, 1990 -
The cardiovascular reflexes have the key role in the rapid adjustments of the circulatory
system in response to daily stresses such as standing and muscular exercise. Arterial and …

Baroreceptor function in congestive heart failure: effect on neurohumoral activation and regional vascular resistance.

AT Hirsch, VJ Dzau, MA Creager - Circulation, 1987 -
A series of neurohumoral systems are activated in congestive heart failure that contribute to
the increased vascular resistance and sodium retention that characterize this disorder …

Cardiac receptor activity in heart failure: implications for the control of sympathetic nervous outflow

IH Zucker, W Wang, HD Schultz - … and Respiratory Systems in Health and …, 1995 - Springer
The role of cardiac receptors in reflex control of the circulation has been of interest to
physiologists and anatomists for many years. The early anatomical work of Nonidez (41) …