Will neurological practice be different during the 21st century?

Y Agid - Archives of Neurology, 2000 - jamanetwork.com
In the movie The Graduate from the 1960s, Benja-min Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman)
is advised to pursue a promising career in plastics. For those of us who practice neurology …

Hey Mrs Robinson, it's therapeutics!

SP Ringel - Archives of Neurology, 2000 - jamanetwork.com
In the movie The Graduate from the 1960s, Benja-min Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman)
is advised to pursue a promising career in plastics. For those of us who practice neurology …

Trends in the practice of neurology: responding to health system reform

M Menken - Archives of neurology, 1994 - jamanetwork.com
As we approachthe end of a millennium, many neurologists and other physicians question
where we are going in health care, where we want to go, and how to reconcile the former …

How neurologists can care better on a changing planet

J Bashford, A Misbahuddin, J Coebergh - Practical Neurology, 2024 - pn.bmj.com
Given that 2023 was the hottest year on record globally, climate change is increasingly
obvious for all to see. This editorial explores why neurologists should care about this, and …

Neurology: from nihilism to therapy

V Hachinski - Archives of Neurology, 2000 - jamanetwork.com
Neurology has advanced from nihilism to the beginnings of hope. The use of dilantin,
penicillin, and levodopa showed that diseases of the nervous system can be treated. The …

Neurology®: Seventy Years of Change but Staying True to Our Roots

JG Merino - Neurology, 2021 - AAN Enterprises
In 1948, when the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) was founded, there were no
journals devoted exclusively to neurology. 1 To fill this void, and urged by Robert …

[HTML][HTML] Neurologists don't do windows

JW Griffin - Nature Clinical Practice Neurology, 2006 - nature.com
Some readers might be surprised to learn that neurology sprang from roots that were
inextricably entwined with syphilis. Imagine the practice of Johns Hopkins' first neurologist …

Five questions that every patient has but never asks

J Whyte - JAMA neurology, 2018 - jamanetwork.com
Inmorethan20yearsofpracticingmedicine, Ihadnever received a request quite like this. A
person wanted to sit down for 30 minutes in my office (not the examination room) to tell me …

In defence of general neurology

NE Anderson - Practical Neurology, 2022 - pn.bmj.com
Until recently, most neurological physicians were general neurologists, but neurology is
rapidly becoming subspecialised. The American Academy of Neurology website lists 27 …


J Thompson - Neurology Today, 2004 - journals.lww.com
It's nice to hear so many neurologists are experiencing the same things, and we are not
isolated. I am phasing out my clinical practice after 10 years. The more time spent away from …