Higher order thinking skills as effect of problem based learning in the 21st century learning

L Widiawati, S Joyoatmojo, S Sudiyanto - International Journal of …, 2018 - ijmmu.com
This study aims to determine the responses of learners to learning using a scientific
approach in Problem Based Learning integrated with the inculcation of critical thinking …

The Effectiveness of problem based learning integrated with Islamic values based on ICT on higher order thinking skill and students' character

C Anwar - Al-Ta Lim Journal, 2016 - journal.tarbiyahiainib.ac.id
The focus of this research is to known the influence of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model
application, that intergrated with Islamic values based on ICT, toward the ability of higher …

Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in terms of gender using science teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle integrated with local wisdom

A Ramdani, AW Jufri, G Gunawan… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Critical thinking is an important thing in building learners' knowledge. Students who have
these skills will be able to solve problems effectively. This study examines the effect of …

Analysis of students' collaborative, communication, critical thinking, and creative abilities through problem-based learning

E Susetyarini, E Nurohman… - Jurnal Penelitian Dan …, 2022 - journal-center.litpam.com
Students' collaborative, critical thinking, creative thinking, and communication skills need to
be trained using problem-based learning on sharing and jumping tasks, which has never …

Higher order thinking skills in the 21st century: Critical thinking

M Miterianifa, A Ashadi, S Saputro, S Suciati - Proceedings of the 1st …, 2021 - eudl.eu
High order thinking skills (HOTS) is very important in the 21st-century learning process
because it requires the development of high critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are …

Blended learning and project based learning: the method to improve students' higher order thinking skill (HOTS)

R Eliyasni, AK Kenedi, IM Sayer - Jurnal Iqra' …, 2019 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
The background of this research was the demands of the industrial revolution 4.0 era.
Hence, the students should have high-oder thinking skills and lecturers must be able to …

Implementation of HOTS-based learning and problem based learning during the pandemic of COVID-19 in SMA Budi Mulia Jakarta

S Sirait, E Murniarti, H Sihotang - Advances in Social Sciences …, 2021 - repository.uki.ac.id
The implementation of the 2013 curriculum requires teachers to change their views in
implementing learning process in schools. Learning strategies are no longer teacher …

Integrasi Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) dengan model creative problem solving

RA Karimah - Modeling: Jurnal Program Studi PGMI, 2018 - jurnal.stitnualhikmah.ac.id
Abstrak Creative Problem Solving (CPS) becomes one of alternatives for educators to
develop HOTS. It is because CPS is a learning model centered on problem-solving skills …

Effects of 21st Century Learning on the Development of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration Skills

E Tohani, I Aulia - Journal of Nonformal Education, 2022 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Abstract 21st-century teaching needed in the Package C equality education program
because it is the key to developing the critical thinking, creativity, communication, and …

Analisis keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa melalui model blended-project based learning terintegrasi keterampilan abad 21 berdasarkan students skill level

A Purwanti, N Hujjatusnaini… - JIPI (Jurnal IPA …, 2022 - repository.iain-ternate.ac.id
Thinking ability is one of the skills that must be had by all people in facing the demands of
the 21st century, namely critical thinking skills. This skill can be achieved by delivering the …