The end of life: euthanasia and morality

J Rachels - 1986 -
In this provocative book, a professor of philosophy examines the arguments for and against
euthanasia, analyzes specific case studies, including those of Baby Jane Doe and Barney …

A defence of a new perspective on euthanasia

D Shaw - Journal of Medical Ethics, 2011 -
In two recent papers, Hugh McLachlan, Jacob Busch and Raffaele Rodogno have criticised
my new perspective on euthanasia. Each paper analyses my argument and suggests two …

Misunderstanding the moral equivalence of killing and letting die

DB Hershenov - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 2008 -
One of the most famous discussions in bioethics, James Rachels' advocacy of euthanasia,
contains an argument that implies the moral equivalence of killing and letting die. 1 What …

[引用][C] Euthanasia: The moral issues

RM Baird, SE Rosenbaum - 1989 -
Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum (eds.), Euthanasia: the moral issues - PhilPapers Sign
in | Create an account PhilPapers PhilPeople PhilArchive PhilEvents PhilJobs PhilPapers …

[图书][B] Euthanasia examined: ethical, clinical and legal perspectives

J Keown - 1997 -
List of contributors Foreword/Daniel Callahan Introduction/John Keown 1 1 Euthanasia and
the value of life/John Harris 6 2 A philosophical case against euthanasia/John Finnis 23 3 …

Euthanasia, letting die and the pause.

G Gillett - Journal of medical ethics, 1988 -
There is a marked disparity between medical intuitions and philosophical argument about
euthanasia. In this paper I argue that the following objections can be raised. First, medical …

The ethics of killing and letting die: active and passive euthanasia

HV McLachlan - Journal of Medical Ethics, 2008 -
In their account of passive euthanasia, Garrard and Wilkinson present arguments that might
lead one to overlook significant moral differences between killing and letting die. To kill is …

Everyday attitudes about euthanasia and the slippery slope argument

A Feltz - New directions in the ethics of assisted suicide and …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter provides empirical evidence about everyday attitudes concerning euthanasia.
These attitudes have important implications for some ethical arguments about euthanasia …

Euthanasia: a concept whose time has come

NW Dickey - Issues L. & Med., 1992 - HeinOnline
The issue to be discussed is euthanasia—its advantages and disadvantages, the reasons
supporting its use, and the reasons opposing its use. As Joubert said in the eighteenth …

Rethinking voluntary euthanasia

BJ Stoyles, S Costreie - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 2013 -
Our goal in this article is to explicate the way, and the extent to which, euthanasia can be
voluntary from both the perspective of the patient and the perspective of the health care …