Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes Sociaux, 2005 - Springer
The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …

Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

G Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes …, 2005 - asu.elsevierpure.com
The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …

[引用][C] Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes …, 2005 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in
temperate climates | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ …

[引用][C] Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes …, 2005 - repositorio.usp.br
ReP USP - Detalhe do registro: Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers
may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates Home About USP Schools USP Schools …

[引用][C] Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV AMDAM, K NORBERG, SW OMHOLT… - Insectes …, 2005 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in
temperate climates CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic …

[PDF][PDF] Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insect. Soc, 2005 - academia.edu
The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …

Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes …, 2005 - pure.au.dk
The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …

Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes Sociaux, 2005 - infona.pl
. The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …

Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates.

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - 2005 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …

Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates

GV Amdam, K Norberg, SW Omholt, P Kryger… - Insectes Sociaux, 2005 - infona.pl
. The honey bee originated in tropical Africa and later dispersed to northern Europe. It has
been suggested that a higher hemolymph storage capacity for the glycolipoprotein …