Ceramic and glass materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - Springer
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
[引用][C] Ceramic and glass materials: structure, properties and processing
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - (No Title) - cir.nii.ac.jp
Ceramic and glass materials : structure, properties and processing | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす …
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす …
[PDF][PDF] Ceramic and Glass Materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - chemistry-chemists.com
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
Ceramic and glass materials: structure, properties and processing
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - 2008 - library.wur.nl
Ceramic and glass materials : structure, properties and processing | Wageningen University
and Research Library catalog wur logo Wageningen University and Research Library catalog …
and Research Library catalog wur logo Wageningen University and Research Library catalog …
[PDF][PDF] Ceramic and Glass Materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - academia.edu
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
[图书][B] Ceramic and Glass Materials: Structure, Properties and Processing
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - 2008 - books.google.com
Ceramic and Glass Materials: Structure, Properties and Processing is a concise and
comprehensive guide to the key ceramic and glass materials used in modern technology …
comprehensive guide to the key ceramic and glass materials used in modern technology …
[PDF][PDF] Ceramic and Glass Materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - klin-lab.ru
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
[PDF][PDF] Ceramic and Glass Materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - klin-lab.ru
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
[PDF][PDF] Ceramic and Glass Materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - geokniga.org
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
[PDF][PDF] Ceramic and Glass Materials
JF Shackelford, RH Doremus - egyptarch.gov.eg
This book is intended to be a concise and comprehensive coverage of the key ceramic and
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …
glass materials used in modern technology. A group of international experts have …