Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory

C Michel, L Pisella, PW Halligan, J Luauté, G Rode… - Neuropsychologia, 2003 - Elsevier
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect—a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …

[PDF][PDF] Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory

C Michela, L Pisellaa, PW Halliganb, J Luautéa… - …, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect—a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory.

C Michel, L Pisella, P Halligan, J Luaute, G Rode… - …, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect--a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: Implications for theory.

M Carine, L Pisella, PW Halligan, J Luauté… - …, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered a classic clinical sign of unilateral visual
neglect--a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows right brain …

[引用][C] Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory CNRS
Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search …

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory

C Michel, L Pisella, PW Halligan… - …, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect--a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory.

C Michel, L Pisella, PW Halligan, J Luauté… - …, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect--a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …

[引用][C] Simulating Unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory

C MICHEL - Neuropsychologia, 2003 -
Simulating Unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation : implications for theory | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 …

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adpatation: implications for theory

C Michel, L Pisella, P Halligan, J Luauté… - …, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect—a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …

Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory

C Michel, L Pisella, PW Halligan, J Luauté, G Rode… - Neuropsychologia, 2003 -
Rightward deviation on line bisection is considered one of the most classic clinical signs of
unilateral visual neglect-a cognitive disorder of spatial processing that commonly follows …