Intraoperative EEG patterns: implications for EEG monitoring.

Anesthesiology, 1984 -
Univariate descriptors such as the mean frequency and spectral edge frequency have been
proposed for intraoperative representation of the EEG. Such univariate descriptors of the …

Intraoperative EEG patterns: implications for EEG monitoring

WJ Levy - Anesthesiology, 1984 -
Univariate descriptors such as the mean frequency and spectral edge frequency have been
proposed for intraoperative representation of the EEG. Such univariate descriptors of the …

[引用][C] Intraoperative EEG Patterns: Implications for EEG Monitoring

WJ Levy - The Journal of the American Society of …, 1984 -
Methods EEG recordings were made in 64 patients undergoing anesthetic inductions, 30 of
whom underwent cardio-pulmonary bypass. These studies were approved by the Committee …

[引用][C] Intraoperative EEG patterns: implications for EEG monitoring

WJ LEVY - Anesthesiology (Philadelphia), 1984 -
Intraoperative EEG patterns: implications for EEG monitoring CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis
CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search …

Intraoperative EEG patterns: implications for EEG monitoring

WJ Levy - Anesthesiology, 1984 -
Univariate descriptors such as the mean frequency and spectral edge frequency have been
proposed for intraoperative representation of the EEG. Such univariate descriptors of the …

[引用][C] Intraoperative EEG patterns: implications for EEG monitoring

WJ LEVY - Anesthesiology, 1984 - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins