Sex hormone receptors in breast cancer

N D'Abreo, AA Hindenburg - Vitamins & Hormones, 2013 - Elsevier
The dependency of certain breast cancers on estrogen is undeniably one of the most
important observations in oncology. Since this early observation, there has been a …

Sex hormone receptors in breast cancer

N D'Abreo, AA Hindenburg - Vitamins and Hormones, 2013 -
The dependency of certain breast cancers on estrogen is undeniably one of the most
important observations in oncology. Since this early observation, there has been a …

Sex Hormone Receptors in Breast Cancer

N D'Abreo, AA Hindenburg - Hormones and Breast Cancer, 2013 -
100 Nina D'Abreo and Alexander A. Hindenburg targets for cancer treatment. Both ligand-
dependent and ligand-independent receptor activation pathways have been successfully …

Sex hormone receptors in breast cancer

N D'Abreo, AA Hindenburg - Vitamins and hormones, 2013 -
The dependency of certain breast cancers on estrogen is undeniably one of the most
important observations in oncology. Since this early observation, there has been a …

Sex hormone receptors in breast cancer.

N D'Abreo, AA Hindenburg - Vitamins and Hormones, 2013 -
The dependency of certain breast cancers on estrogen is undeniably one of the most
important observations in oncology. Since this early observation, there has been a …