Interferometeric imaging with a grating based phase control optical delay line

G Tearney, BE Bouma, JG Fujimoto - US Patent 6,421,164, 2002 - Google Patents
(63) Continuation of application No. 09/603,806, filed on Jun.(List continued on next page.)
26, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,282,011, which is a division of application No. 09/079,687, filed on …

Interferometeric imaging with a grating based phase control optical delay line

G Tearney, BE Bouma, JG Fujimoto - US Patent 6,421,164, 2002 -
An apparatus for performing high speed scanning of an optical delay and its application for
performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including cross sectional imaging …

Grating based phase control optical delay line

G Tearney, B Bouma, J Fujimoto - US Patent App. 09/880,120, 2001 - Google Patents
An apparatus for performing high Speed Scanning of an optical delay and its application for
performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including croSS Sec tional imaging …

Grating based phase control optical delay line

G Tearney, BE Bouma… - US Patent App. 09 …, 2001 -
An apparatus for performing high speed scanning of an optical delay and its application for
performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including cross sectional imaging …