ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

JL Grobe, S Der Sarkissian, JM Stewart… - Clinical …, 2007 -
Cardiac remodelling is a key risk factor for the development of heart failure in the chronic
phase following myocardial infarction. Our previous studies have shown an anti-remodelling …

[PDF][PDF] ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

Cardiac remodelling is a key risk factor for the development of heart failure in the chronic
phase following myocardial infarction. Our previous studies have shown an anti-remodelling …

ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts.

JL Grobe, S Der Sarkissian, JM Stewart… - Clinical Science …, 2007 -
Cardiac remodelling is a key risk factor for the development of heart failure in the chronic
phase following myocardial infarction. Our previous studies have shown an anti-remodelling …

[PDF][PDF] ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

JL GROBE, S DER SARKISSIAN, JM STEWART… - Clinical Science, 2007 - Citeseer
Cardiac remodelling is a key risk factor for the development of heart failure in the chronic
phase following myocardial infarction. Our previous studies have shown an anti-remodelling …

ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

JL Grobe, S Der Sarkissian, JM Stewart, JG Meszaros… - Clinical Science, 2007 -
抄録< jats: p> Cardiac remodelling is a key risk factor for the development of heart failure in
the chronic phase following myocardial infarction. Our previous studies have shown an anti …

[引用][C] ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

JL GROBE, S DER SARKISSIAN… - Clinical science …, 2007 -
ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts
CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search …

ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

JL Grobe, S Der Sarkissian… - Clinical science …, 2007 -
Cardiac remodelling is a key risk factor for the development of heart failure in the chronic
phase following myocardial infarction. Our previous studies have shown an anti-remodelling …

[引用][C] ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts

G JL - Clin Sci (Lond), 2007 -
ACE2 overexpression inhibits hypoxia-induced collagen production by cardiac fibroblasts |
CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ …