Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure: the MIRACLE ICD Trial

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith, AR Leon… - Jama, 2003 -
ContextCardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) through biventricular pacing is an effective
treatment for heart failure (HF) with a wide QRS; however, the outcomes of patients requiring …

[引用][C] Combined Cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure: The Miracle ICD Trial

JB YOUNG, WT ABRAHAM… - JAMA, the journal of …, 2003 -
Combined Cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in
advanced chronic heart failure: The Miracle ICD Trial CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS …

Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure: The MIRACLE ICD trial

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith, AR Leon - JAMA, 2003 -
Context Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) through biventricular pacing is an effective
treatment for heart failure (HF) with a wide QRS; however, the outcomes of patients requiring …

[引用][C] Combined Cardiac Resynchronization and Implantable Cardioversion Defibrillation in Advanced Chronic Heart Failure

JB Young - JAMA, 2003 -
Combined Cardiac Resynchronization and Implantable Cardioversion Defibrillation in
Advanced Chronic Heart Failure | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ …

Combined Cardiac Resynchronization and Implantable Cardioversion Defibrillation in Advanced Chronic Heart Failure: The MIRACLE ICD Trial.

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith… - JAMA: Journal of …, 2003 -
Context: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) through biventricular pacing is an
effective treatment for heart failure (HF) with a wide QRS; however, the outcomes of patients …

Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure: the MIRACLE ICD Trial

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith, AR Leon… - …, 2003 -
Context Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) through biventricular pacing is an effective
treatment for heart failure (HF) with a wide QRS; however, the outcomes of patients requiring …

Combined Cardiac Resynchronization and Implantable Cardioversion Defibrillation in Advanced Chronic Heart Failure: The MIRACLE ICD Trial

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith, AR Leon… - …, 2003 -
Context: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) through biventricular pacing is an
effective treatment for heart failure (HF) with a wide QRS; however, the outcomes of patients …

[引用][C] Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure. the MIRACLE ICD trial

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith… - ACC Current Journal …, 2003 -
Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in
advanced chronic heart failure. the MIRACLE ICD trial × Close The Infona portal uses …

Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure: the MIRACLE ICD Trial.

JB Young, WT Abraham, AL Smith, AR Leon… - JAMA, 2003 -
Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced
chronic heart failure: the MIRACLE ICD Trial. - Abstract - Europe PMC Sign in | Create an …

[引用][C] Combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation in advanced chronic heart failure. the MIRACLE ICD trial

JB Young, WT Abraham… - ACC Current …, 2003 - No longer published by Elsevier