[HTML][HTML] MSH3-deficiency initiates EMAST without oncogenic transformation of human colon epithelial cells

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - PloS one, 2012 - journals.plos.org
Background/Aim Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide repeats
(EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and has been …

MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon Epithelial Cells

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk… - PloS …, 2012 - utsouthwestern.elsevierpure.com
Background/Aim: Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide repeats
(EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and has been …

MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon Epithelial Cells.

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - PLoS …, 2012 - search.ebscohost.com
Abstract Background/Aim: Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide
repeats (EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and …

[PDF][PDF] MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - 2012 - scienceopen.com
Abstract Background/Aim: Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide
repeats (EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and …

MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon Epithelial Cells

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmuller… - PLoS ONE, 2012 - go.gale.com
Background/Aim Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide repeats
(EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and has been …

[PDF][PDF] MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - 2012 - researchgate.net
Abstract Background/Aim: Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide
repeats (EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and …

[PDF][PDF] MSH3 deficiency initiates EMAST without protumorigenic transformation of human colon epithelial cells

V Khare, B Kortüm, T Scharl - 2012 - academia.edu
Abstract Background/Aim: Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide
repeats (EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and …

[引用][C] MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon Epithelial Cells

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - PLoS …, 2012 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon
Epithelial Cells - NASA/ADS Now on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS …

[引用][C] MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon Epithelial Cells

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - PLoS ONE, 2012 - cir.nii.ac.jp
MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human Colon
Epithelial Cells | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ …

[PDF][PDF] MSH3-Deficiency Initiates EMAST without Oncogenic Transformation of Human

C Campregher, G Schmid, F Ferk, S Knasmüller… - 2012 - Citeseer
Abstract Background/Aim: Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide
repeats (EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and …