Burnout and coping among parish-based clergy

BR Doolittle - Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
To investigate the correlation between burnout, coping strategies, and spiritual attitudes of
religious leaders, parish-based United Methodist clergy were invited to complete a …

Burnout and coping among parish-based clergy

BR Doolittle - Mental health, religion & culture, 2007 - ixtheo.de
To investigate the correlation between burnout, coping strategies, and spiritual attitudes of
religious leaders, parish-based United Methodist clergy were invited to complete a …

Burnout and coping among parish-based clergy

B Doolittle - Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2007 - ingentaconnect.com
To investigate the correlation between burnout, coping strategies, and spiritual attitudes of
religious leaders, parish-based United Methodist clergy were invited to complete a …

Burnout and coping among parish-based clergy.

BR Doolittle - Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2007 - psycnet.apa.org
To investigate the correlation between burnout, coping strategies, and spiritual attitudes of
religious leaders, parish-based United Methodist clergy were invited to complete a …