Brassica genomic assays

MC Harmon, NL Henderson, CX Zhong - US Patent 9,879,327, 2018 - Google Patents
Methods and compositions for detecting, identifying, and quantifying Brassica A genomic
DNA are described. The methods are specific to the Brassica A genome and do not cross …

Brassica genomic assays

MC Harmon, NL Henderson… - US Patent App. 15/098,433, 2016 - Google Patents
Methods and compositions for detecting, identifying, and quantifying Brassica A genomic
DNA are described. The methods are specific to the Brassica A genome and do not cross …

Brassica genomic assays

MC Harmon, NL Henderson… - US Patent …, 2018 -
Methods and compositions for detecting, identifying, and quantifying Brassica A genomic
DNA are described. The methods are specific to the Brassica A genome and do not cross …


MC Harmon, NL Henderson… - US Patent App. 15 …, 2016 -
Methods and compositions for detecting, identifying, and quantifying Brassica A genomic
DNA are described. The methods are specific to the Brassica A genome and do not cross …